Mo’ Creatures - 1.12.2 Mowzie’s Mobs - 1.12.2 Mutant Beasts - 1.12.2 Spiders 2.0 - 1.12.2 Comforts - 1.12.2 Journey Map -1.12.2 Bountiful - 1.12.2 Twilight Forest - 1.12.2 Biomes O’ Plenty - 1.12.2 Better Caves - 1.12.2 Better Portals - 1.12.2 GraveStone Mod - 1.12.2 Better FPS - 1.12.2 Better Mineshafts - 1.12.2 Better Foliage - 1.12.2 Better Nether - 1.12.2 Charm - 1.12.2 Lucky Blocks - 1.12.2 Antique Atlas - 1.12.2 Enchantment Descriptions - 1.12.2 Morph - 1.12.2 Tinkers Construct - 1.12.2 BuildCraft -1.12.2 GalacticCraft - 1.12.2 GalacticCraft Planets - 1.12.2 MicdoodleCore - 1.12.2 Fossils and Archeology Revival - 1.12.2 JurassicCraft - 1.12.2 Aether - 1.12.2 Llibrary - 1.12.2 Rare Ice - 1.12.2 Colytra - 1.12.2 Illagers - 1.12.2 Forgelin - 1.12.2 Medieval Craft -1.12.2 Chisel and Bits - 1.12.2 Mr Crayfish Furniture Mod - 1.12.2 The Lost Cities - 1.12.2 Hats - 1.12.2 Forgiving Void - 1.12.2 Inspirations - 1.12.2 Orespawn - 1.12.2? Secret Rooms - 1.12.2 Better Animals Plus - 1.12.2 Horse Carts - 1.12.2 Back Tools - 1.12.2 Bed Spreads - 1.12.2 Paragliders - 1.12.2 Dungeons Mod - 1.12.2 Smaller Nether Portals - 1.12.2 Waystones - 1.12.2 Aquaculture 2 - 1.12.2 Optifine - 1.12.2 Oh the Biomes You’ll Go - 1.12.2 Ice and Fire - 1.12.2 Display Case - 1.12.2 Portal Gun - 1.12.2 Gravity Gun - 1.12.2 Chisel 2 - 1.12.2 Inventory Pets - 1.12.2 IChunUtil - 1.12.2 NotEnoughItems - 1.12.2 JustEnoughItems - 1.12.2 BiblioCraft - 1.12.2 Pandora’s Box - 1.12.2 Railcraft - 1.12.2 SecurityCraft - 1.12.2 TropicCraft - 1.12.2 Tardis Mod - 1.12.2 Weeping Angels - 1.12.2 Iron Chest - 1.12.2 Damage Indicators - 1.12.2 CustomNPCs - 1.12.2 Chance Cubes - 1.12.2 AbyssalCraft - 1.12.2 Battle Towers - 1.12.2 Treecapitator - 1.12.2 Infernal Mobs - 1.12.2 Tumbleweeds - 1.12.2 Pam’s HarvestCraft - 1.12.2 LuCraft - 1.12.2 Weather, Storms & Tornadoes/Weather 2 - 1.12.2 NuclearCraft - 1.12.2 Vein Miner - 1.12.2 Refined Storage - 1.12.2 Blood Magic - 1.12.2 Mekanism - 1.12.2 Flans Mod - 1.12.2 Immersive Engineering - 1.12.2 Flans - Simple Parts Flans - WW2 Flans - Modern Warfare Flans - Ye Olde Flans - Titan Flans - Nerf Ender Io - 1.12.2 RF Tools - 1.12.2 Mystical Agriculture - 1.12.2 Minecraft Comes Alive - 1.12.2 Draconic Evolution - 1.12.2 Real Filing Cabinet - 1.12.2 Avitaria 1.1x - 1.12.2 Thermal Expansion - 1.12.2 Industrial Foregoing - 1.12.2 Project E - 1.12.2 RFTools Dimensions - 1.12.2 Refined Storage AddOns - 1.12.2 Mekanism Generators - 1.12.2 MystCraft - 1.12.2 Extreme Reactors - 1.12.2 Storage Drawers - 1.12.2 Mantle - 1.12.2 Bookself - 1.12.2 CodeChickenLib - 1.12.2 InventoryTweaks - 1.12.2 Baubles - 1.12.2 CraftTweaker - 1.12.2 MouseTweaks - 1.12.2 Clumps - 1.12.2 Fast Leaf Decay - 1.12.2 Forestry - 1.12.2 Iron Backpacks - 1.12.2 Thaumcraft - 1.12.2 ElevatorMod - 1.12.2 Bonsai Trees - 1.12.2 Simply Jetpacks 2 - 1.12.2 Open Computers - 1.12.2 Malisis Doors - 1.12.2 Roguelike Dungeons - 1.12.2 Lootbags - 1.12.2 Fairy Lights - 1.12.2 Macaw’s Bridges - 1.12.2