import { CommandClient, Extension, event, GatewayIntents, CommandContext, Command, } from ''; const client = new CommandClient({ prefix: '!', }); class ext extends Extension { @event() commandOwnerOnly(ctx: CommandContext) { console.log(ctx.guild); } } class cmd extends Command { name = 'test'; ownerOnly = true; execute(ctx: CommandContext) { console.log('Command was executed!'); } } // Uncomment/comment the code below to see the bug // Event with a client.on listener client.on('commandOwnerOnly', (ctx: CommandContext) => { console.log(ctx.guild); }); // Event with an extension // client.extensions.load(ext); // end of section you should modify client.on('ready', () => { client.commands.add(cmd); console.log('online'); }); client.connect('no', [ GatewayIntents.GUILDS, GatewayIntents.GUILD_MESSAGES, ]);