# +--------------------------------------------------+ # | . | # | .~~.......~~. .......... | # | ~:. .:+.. ~:. | # | .:. .......... ~~ +. | # | :: .~.. ...+~...........:.. | # | :~ ......:+: ......:::. | # | .~: ..:++++++:::::++~::::+++++:+++: | # | ~:.+. ..:::++~+ooooo. ..~+:.~.+ooooo:.~:++ | # | :: ~ ::~:::~.oooooo+.....+~..oooo+oo....o.| # | :. .. . .+~.. .:. | # |:~ ......... ...~ :~. | # |: . ..~:+~ .. ..~~~. | # |. .... ..~:....~:. | # |. ..... :. | # |. .: ...~~. +. | # |. .+ ............. .....+. | # |. .:...............................: | # |. .............................+~ | # |:. .......................~~ | # |:++~. ..:+o+~. | # | .~:+::~.... .::+.:+. | # | ...~~~~~~:~~~~~~.~~~~~:~+o+ ~+.++~~. | # | .............:o. .++++:.++. | # | ..~:+. .+:.:..o. | # | ~:.+..~..:~~...:+ . :~ .~:.+ | # |. +: .+.... :+ +::::o ~+.+~ | # |+. o .+. ~+++++++++o~ | # | +: :. .. +++:+:o.:+.o+~+ | # | :: :. ..+:....~~+::+. . | # +--------------------------------------------------+ # __ ______ ____ _____ __ # / / |_ __ \ .' \.|_ _| / / # / / | |__) | .--. \ | | / / # / / | ___/| | | | | | _ / / # / / _| |_ \ \--' /_| |__/ | / / # /_/ |_____| \.____.'|________| /_/ # _________ _____ _____ _________ _________ _______ # |_ ___ |_ _|_ _| | _ _ |_ ___ |_ __ \ # | |_ \_| | | | | |_/ | | \_| | |_ \_| | |__) | # | _| | | | | _ | | | _| _ | __ / # _| |_ _| |_ _| |__/ | _| |_ _| |___/ |_| | \ \_ # |_____| |_____|________| |_____| |_________|____| |___| # # v1.0 # 22-05-2021 ###################################################################### ## About ## ###################################################################### # This file was created to provide a general filter list for all those # who don't know regular expressions and/or /pol/ shilling tactics, # and possibly inspire those who do. ############################# How to use ############################# # 1. Install 4chanX # 2. Copy this text # 3. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/ # 4. Settings (Upper right corner, wrench icon) -> Filter -> General # 5. Paste # 6. ESC # If you already have a custom filter list just add this one at the # end. # All generals threads are filtered out by default. Go to "Generals" # section and edit patterns to change that. You may also wish to # review other filters and switch them off/on by # commenting/uncommenting, especially in sections # - Shitty topics # - Nonsense / well poisoning # - Known shills / special cases # as these may be quite subjective. # See "Deleting filters" section for the general method of locating # unwanted filters in the wild. ############################# Background ############################# # /pol/ has become nothing but a dumpsite of shitposting, shilling, # demoralizing, waters muddying, bots botting, falseflagging, # "debunking", etc., further referred to as "shit". This is the price # to pay for not having it oy-vey-shut-it-down'd by glownigs. # " # Technique #6 - 'GAINING FULL CONTROL' # # It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering # for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the # forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting # unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into # complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is # the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with # by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their # freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can # deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, # deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum # offline. By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it # is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted # into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect # newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control # for your agenda purposes. # " # https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm ############################### Goals ################################ # As every classifier this one has its sensitivity (percent of shit # threads classified as shit) and specificity (percent of good threads # not classified as shit). Increasing one often comes at the cost of # decreasing the other. It was assumed that manually filtering out # shit threads is much more acceptable than throwing the baby out with # the bathwater, so the false positives to false negatives ratio was # kept to be around 1:10. You can reduce it further by commenting out # particular templates. # Typical filtering schemes are based on keywords associated with # specific topics being shilled the particular month, # e.g. "migatard". Those are very transient though and need to be # continuously updated. They're also highly dependent on personal # interests and it's difficult to create core common for most # /pol/acks. # This filter list tries to focus on more general symptoms based on # subject/comment wording and topic-neutral shill identifying phrases, # like "/pol/ will defend this". These are also expected to change # with internet vogues, but with hopefully lower frequency. ###################################################################### ## Updates ## ###################################################################### ####################### By the original author ####################### # Future updates (if there happened to be any) made by the original # author of this list, or anyone else trusted by him, will be posted # somewhere on /pol/ with a picture having "Z5m1GRFgPfLmTXXkx8c4Lw" # hash. Use this link to list them and go to the oldest post: # # https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/image/Z5m1GRFgPfLmTXXkx8c4Lw/ ############################### By you ############################### # If you added some good filters to your list and want to share them, # drop them somewhere on /pol/, along with the pic having # "beep_boop_janny" name, under Kekistani memeflag. All filters # wrote by anons could be then listed on 4plebs under the address: # # https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/beep_boop_janny/troll_country/kn/ # # Drop a little description or sth for anons to know what it gets rid # off, and include the address to this file for the newfags. # Use this method also to suggest to anons which filters to remove, # have they become more interfering than useful with time. # If the collective mind got rolling it would be enough for everyone # to periodically browse the above-mentioned address and paste the new # filters to 4chanX to keep most of the trolls / shills and their shit # out of sight. # See also "Technical comments / editing this file" chapter below. ################## Don't know regular expressions? ################### # If you find a good thread among those filtered out, drop a comment # there containing phrase "good thread btw" anywhere in your post, # under Kekistani memeflag. # If you find an unfiltered shit thread, drop a comment there # containing phrase "shit threads gtfo" anywhere in your post, also # under Kekistani memeflag. # These tags can be gathered in 4plebs archive # # https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%22good%20thread%20btw%22/troll_country/kn/ # https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/%22shit%20threads%20gtfo%22/troll_country/kn/ # # and used in the development of the next version of the filter list. # In the case of shit threads it will be useful to include in the post # some information about why do you think that OP should be filtered # out. It will help in composing rules as well as educate newfags # outside of this little communication channel of ours. ###################################################################### ## Technical comments / editing this file ## ###################################################################### ####################### Structure of this file ####################### # Filters are divided into 2 groups: filtering OPs only (attribute # "op:only"), and non-OPs only (attribute "op:no"). 4chanX gives # possibility to apply one filter to both OPs and non-OPs (unspecified # attribute "op"), but this feature is not used to keep things # clear. (If a particular filter is useful here and there it's simply # duplicated.) # OP filters are the most important, since it's specficially the entry # points of discussions which are of the most interest to shills, # trolls and other faggots, while the non-OPs responses are difficult # to filter based on their merit anyway. Non-OPs filters here should # be treated as a bonus - don't to expect from them too much. The main # goal was to keep the catalog clean. # 4chanX's filtering can hide posts or highlight them. The focus was # on the former, but the latter may be equally useful in shifting # focus to valuable posts. That's the most proabable direction of # further development. # Late-to-the party table of file's contents: # 1. About # 1. How to use # 2. Background # 3. Goals # 2. Updates # 1. By the original author # 2. By you # 3. Don't know regular expressions? # 3. Technical comments # 1. Structure of this file <--(YOU ARE HERE) # 2. Deleting filters # 4. OPs <--(Beginning of the actual filters) # 1. Shills # 2. Baits / slides # 3. D&C, demoralization # 4. Bunkerchan faggot trolls # 5. Shit and low quality OPs # 6. Generals # 7. Nonsense / well poisoning # 8. Known shills / special cases # 9. Shitty topics # 5. Non-OPs # 1. NPC insults # 2. Redundancy # 3. D&C shit # 4. Faggots # 5. Take your meds # 6. Made for... # 7. Known shills / special cases ########################## Deleting filters ########################## # The most basic editing is deleting filters which hide posts you # would rather want to see. (It's better to just comment them by # placing '#' at the beginning of the line in case you would want to # have it back in the future). For that you need to locate which # filter hides the particular post. This may be difficult based on the # post and filters alone. Use this method to locate the unwanted # filter reliably: # 1. Open /pol/, go to options -> filters -> general # 2. Copy everything and save in some backup file. # 3. Move slide bar to a approx. middle position and place cursor # somewhere in the window. # 4. Cut everything from that point to the end. [Ctrl-X] # 5. Reload page. # 6. Is the post you wanted to see still hidden? # YES: # 6.1. Open filters list again. # 6.2. Go back to step 3. # NO: # 6.1. Open filters list again. # 6.2. Delete everything. [Ctrl-A], [DEL] # 6.3. Paste what was previously cut. [Ctrl-V] # 6.4. Go back to step 3. # 7. Repeat until there is only one filter left. # 8. Locate it in your backup file and comment out. # 9. Copy all the contents of backup file back to your filter list. ###################################################################### ## OPs ## ###################################################################### ############################### Shills ############################### ### Memeflags # Not all memeflags are equally liked by shills and trolls. It makes # sense to filter out some while allowing others. # By default memeflags in non-OPs are allowed. To filter them out in # threads as well remove "op:only;" from the filter. For example # /^united nations$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # would change to # /^united nations$/i;type:flag;boards:pol # Absolutely most abhorrent posts, untopped even by the leafs. /^united nations$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /Pol/acks avoid this flag. Shills use it when they're open about # baiting. Other than this it's only used by discord coomers spamming # BBC threads and false flagging Jews. 1/100 it's an actual blm nig. /^black lives matter$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # Shills and /pol/acks avoid this flag. Usually used by actual fags. /^lgbt$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # Almost always unironically shilling for Islam /^muslim$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol /^jihadi$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # Usually shilling for China /^Commie$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol /^Communist$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # Often used unironically by bunkerchan faggots, but not always # /^anarchist$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # Used by shills but also by legit /pol/acks. Some good OPs may go to # trash. Uncomment if you prefer more aggressive filtering # # /^european$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^hippie$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^templar$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^catalonia$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^deus vult$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^tree hugger$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^confederate$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^gadsden$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^fascist$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^democrat$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^kekistani$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^nazi$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^republican$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^pirate$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^national bolshevik$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^white supremacist$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^anarcho-capitalist$/i;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # Nations to consider # # /^canada$/i;op:no;op:only;type:flag;boards:pol # /^israel$/i;type:flag;boards:pol ########################### Baits / slides ########################### ## Any OP having only one single question is for 90% b8 and/or shitpost # Question in subject /^[^\n.!?]+\?\n$/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # Question in comment /^\n[^\n.!?]+\?$/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # Same, but for the case when shill forgot question mark /^(why|what|where|when|who|do|can|is)[^\n.!?]+\n$/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol /^\n(why|what|where|when|who|do|can|is)[^\n.!?]+$/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol ## Questions reeking of b8 regardless of context # "What did he mean by this?" /what\W+did(\W+\w+)?\W+mean\W+by\W+this/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "what went wrong?" /what(\W+went|(\W+have|\W+has)\W+gone)\W+wrong/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "what happened?" /(what(\W+the\W+(fuck|hell))?|wtf)(has|have)?\W+happened(\W+here)?\?/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "why are they like this?" /why\s+(are|is)\s+\w+(\s+\w+)?\s+like\s+this/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Why are they the bad guys again?" /why\W+are\W+\w+\W+the\W+bad\W+guys/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /\bagain([?!.]+|$)/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "How dow we solve the X problem?" (As if 4ch ever solved any) # /how do we (fix|solve)/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /how\W+do\W+we/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /problem\?$/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ## Other baits # "Apologize" (as imperative, that is at the end of sentence (usually)) # /\bapologize( now)?[.!\n]?$/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /\bapologize\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Explain this, sweden!" (only when at the end of line) /\bexplain(\W+it|\W+this|\W+that|\W+itt|\W+in\W+this\W+thread)(\W+\w+)?(,?\W+\w+)?$/mi;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Explain yourself!" /\bexplain\W+yoursel(f|ves)\b/mi;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Say something nice about him" /\bsay(\W+something\W+nice|\W+hi|\W+hello)\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "we got too cocky bros" /\bwe\W+got\W+too\W+cocky\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Prove me wrong" /\bprove\W+me\W+wrong\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /\bconvince\W+me\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "prot tip: you can't" /pro[ -]tip\W+you\W+(can.?t|can\W*not)/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ## "Uhmmm... Bidenbros?" # Any "uhhmmm" at the beginning of line, or preceded by "so" /^(so\W+)?u[hm]{2,}/im;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "[something]bros?" # "Bidenbros" /\w+bros\s*\?/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "If you don't write in cursive you aren't white" /\byou\W+(aren.t|a?re\W+not)\W+white\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Are jews white?" /\bwhite\?\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Now that the dust has settled" /\bdust(\W+ha(s|d|ve))?\W+settled?\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ## Other criteria # "When did you realize that " /^when(\W+did|\W+have)\W+you\W+realize/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Daily reminder, that.." /^(\w+\s+)?reminder/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Admit it, /pol/ .." /\badmit\W+it\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Imagine X" /^\W*imagine/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ######################## D&C, demoralization ######################### # Fuck the blackpill. /black\W*pill/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # US-Euro D&C language /\b(europoor|amerimutt)\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Brazil hate thread" # "Women hate thread" /\bhate\W+thread\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "it's over" /it.?s\W+over[.!\n]?$/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ###################### Bunkerchan faggot trolls ###################### # Unironical usage of faggy words /\b(polcels?|chuds?|bigots?|rightoids?|poc|people\W+of\W+colou?r|(w(hi|y)te\s*bo[yi]s?)(?! summer)|whit(ey|ies?|e?oids?)|white\s+(people|men|women)|cumskins?|crack(a|er)s?|hateful|y.?all|(trans|homo)phob(ic|ia|es?)|losers?|cisgender(ed)?|jerks?)/mi;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # Other words tested, which turned out to be too often used by legit anons as well # guys?|incels?|misogynists?|nazis?|black (man|woman|people)|bbc|racists?|racism # "How can baltics ever recover?" /how\W+(will|can)\W+\w+(\W+ever)?\W+recover[?\n.]/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "/pol/ will defend this" # "/pol/ on suicide watch" # "/pol/ btfo" # "chuds on suicide watch" # "what does /pol/ think?" /(\/?pol\/?|nazis?|racists?|chuds?|bigots?|misogynists?|xenophobes?|homophobes?)((\W+will|\W+would)?\W+defend|\W+on(\W+suicide\W+watch|\W+sw)|(\W+gets?)?(\W+btfo.?d?|(just\W+got)?\W+blown(\W+the\W+fuck|\W+tf)\W+out)|thinks?s)/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "would you defend this?" /(will|would)?\W+defends?\W+(this|that|it)/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "[some bullshit], [pol]?" # "well, pol?" /\w+,?\s+(\/?pol\/?|nazis?|racists?|chuds?|bigots?|misogynists?|xenophobes?|homophobes?)\?/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "you're on the wrong side of history" /\bwrong\W+side\W+of(\W+(a|the))?\W+history\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "I will wait." /\bi\W+(can|will|ll)\W+wait([\n.!\)]|$)/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "X doesn't exis..." /(ex(is?)?|ba(s(ed?)?)?)\.\.+$/mi;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "X doesn't exis-" /-$/mi;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "It's not really gay to be arroused by the thought of kissing cute femboy" /fembo[yi]/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ###################### Shit and low quality OPs ###################### # "I miss him bros" /\b(i\W+miss\W+him|do\W+you\W+miss|miss\W+me\W+yet)\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Miss me yet?" (or anything else ending with "yet?") /\syet\?+$/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Say his/her name" /\bsay\W+(his|her)\W+name\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Will I be allowed in the white ethnostate?" /\ballowed\W+in((\W+(the|a))?\W+white)?\W+ethnostate\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ## Phrases usually indicating low effort shit # "lmaoooo" anywhere in OP /\blmf?[ao]{3,}\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "ahhhahaahahahahahah" (more than 3 times) /\ba*(h+a+\s*){3,}h*\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "ohnonnoonononono" /\bo*(n+o+\s*){3,}n*\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # Get rid of any OP repeating a word 3 times or more. # "lmao lmao lmao lmao" /(\b\w+\b)(\W+\1){2,}/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # Anything containing a series of more than 4 punctuation characters # "Please america invade turkey!!!!!!" /[!?]{4,}/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # Anything containing a series of more than 4 the same characters, # unless they are: # 1. digits # 2. parenthesis # 3. quotes # 4. dots (turns out people like to put 4 or 5 dots instead of 3) # catches "noooo", "reeee" and other zooooomer bullshit. /([^0-9.\(\)\[\]<>])\1\1\1\1/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # # Throw out all OPs without subject # # Pretty aggressive filter, so switched off by default. # /^(?!.+)$/mi;op:only;type:subject;boards:pol # "EVERYTHING IN CAPS" # /^\W*[A-Z0-9]+(\W+[A-Z0-9]+)*\W*$/;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol /^[A-Z0-9\W]+$/;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # "> a single line of greentext" /^\n>.*$/;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # Single-word in subject and comment combined # "Powerful" /^\W*\w+\W*$/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # Only two words in subject and comment combined # "My dream" # /^\W*\w+\W+\w+\W*$/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # "holy shit" # "holy fuck" /\bholy\W+(shit|fuck)\b/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # "Post yfw" /\bpost( yfw| your face when)/i;op:only;type:subject+comment;boards:pol # Usually used by discord trannies to troll /pol/acks, but sometimes # the other way around. Usually shit thread anyway. # "X on suicide watch" /\bsuicide\W+watch\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "The Jew fears the sonnenrad" /\bjews?\W+fear/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Really makes you think" /\breally\s+makes\s+you\s+think\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "What is this phenotype?" /\bwhat\s+is\s+this\s+phenotype\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "WTF is wrong with these people?" /(what(\W+\w+){0,3}|wtf)\W+is\W+wrong\W+with/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "Ironically, was he based?" /\b(based|cringe)\?/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "*ting ting ting*, I have an announcement" /\bannouncement\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ############################## Generals ############################## # Any numbered generals # "Silver ends the fed #190 -SETF" # /#\s*\d+/i;op:only;type:subject;boards:pol # Any general like # "/cvg/" # /\/\w+g\//i;op:only;type:subject;boards:pol # Particular generals # Uncomment the following line and comment-out the pattern above to # filter out only a specific list of generals # /\/(cvg|gpg|nsg|ptg)\//i;op:only;type:subject;boards:pol # krautpol, kraut pol, kraut-pol, kraut/pol/, kraut /pol/, kraut-/pol/, etc. # same for britpol, auspol... # /(kraut|brit|aus)[ -]?\/?pol\/?/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # krautpol, kraut pol, kraut-pol, kraut/pol/, kraut /pol/, kraut-/pol/, etc. # same for britpol, auspol... /\b\w+-?\/?pol\/?\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ##################### Nonsense / well poisoning ###################### # Flat earth /\bflat.?earth/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /\bglobe(head|tard)\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # "We didn't land on the moon" /\bmoon(\W+\w+){0,5}\W+land/im;op:only;type:filename+name+email+subject+comment;boards:pol /\bland\w*(\W+\w+){0,5}\W+moon\b/im;op:only;type:filename+name+email+subject+comment;boards:pol # "Aliens are demons. It's a simple, Biblical fact.55" /\baliens\b/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol #################### Known shills / special cases #################### # Guns /the guns of today are nothing like the guns/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /you don.?t need a gun/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /the AR-15 shoots 45 rounds a minute/i;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # Sometimes JIDF shills forget to use goy letters in the file names /[אבגדהוזחטיךכלםמןנסעףפץצקרשתװױײ]/i;op:only;type:name,tripcode,capcode,pass,email,subject,comment,flag,filename;boards:pol ########################### Shitty topics ############################ # Trannies # Despite being 0.1% of population trannies take up 30% of /pol/ threads. /\b((?>319232750 (OP) | | >>319846666 | # | Bamp. | | checked | # +---------------------+ +-----------------+ # +-----------------+ +-----------------+ # | >>319232850 | | >>319227358 | # | fpbp | | Ricecel cope | # +-----------------+ +-----------------+ # +---------------------+ +------------------------------------------+ # | >>319236081 (You) | | >>319227358 | # | Imagine the smell | | >and I say that as a white man myself. | # +---------------------+ | Sure thing, Moshe. | # +------------------------------------------+ # +--------------------+ +---------------+ # | >>319254046 | | >>319261887 | # | Thanks for this. | | >yikes | # +--------------------+ | Go back | # +---------------+ # Regexes: # POST_ID = (>>\d+(\s*\(\w+\))*) # GREEN_TEXT = ((\n|^)(>|>[^>].*)(\n|$)) # IMPERATIVE = # | this | (take\s+(your\s+)?)?meds # | based(\s+and\s+.*pilled)? | tits\s+or\s+(gtfo|get\s+the\s+fuck\s+out) # | baste | you\s+know(\s+the)?\s+rules # | basado | shi+t # | good | she+i+t # | true | shi+e+t # | facts? | da+mn # | kino | fu+ck # | correct | fu+g+ # | [fst]pbp | fuck\s+(off|you|him|her|them) # | \/?thread | lurk\s+(moar|more) # | (\w+\s+)?underrated | shut(\s+(the\s+fuck))?\s+up # | cringe | stfu # | bruh | have\s+sex # | check.d | ywnba?w # | witnessed | roll(ing?)? # | ((top|holy|hearty)\s+)?kek | ngmi # | lf?ma+o+ | wagmi # | l+[oe]+l+ | nice\s+try # | my(\s+\w+)?\s+sides | try\s+harder # | niggers?\s+tongue\s+my\s+anus | thanks # | b[ua]mp.* | thank\s+you # | (\w+\s+)?cope | k?ty # | dilate | sage # | kys | it.?s(\s+all)?\s+so\s+tiresome # | kill\s+yourself | imagine\s+the\s+smell # | sneed | found(\s+the)? # | seethe | oy+\s+ve+y+ # | o?k\.? | shut(\s+it)?\s+down # | delete? | o*(n+\s*o+){3,}n* # | a*(h+\s*a+){3,}h* | shalom # | you(\s+will|.?ll)\s+never\s+be\s+(a\s+)?woman # | ((you\s+(have\s+to|got\s+to|gotta)\s+)?go)?\s+back(\s+to\s+\S+)? # | (post|show)(\s+(your|his|her|it))?\s+(nose|flag|tits|bo+b[as]?|v[ea]g[ai]n[ae]|foreskin|feet) # SLUR = # | \w*nig(ger)?s? | morons? # | \w*negros? | shills? # | \w*kikes? | pedo(phile)?s? # | jews? | hoes? # | jidf | whores? # | sc?hlomo | bitch(es)? # | moi?she | roasties? # | rabbi | simps? # | chang | \w*cucks? # | chinks? | cuck\w+ # | chinkoro | subhumans? # | chink\s+chon[kg] | \w*mutts? # | \w*fags? | hapas? # | faggots? | \w+lets? # | boomers? | \w+cels? # | schizos? | \w+pedes? # | memefl?aggots? | trann(y|ies) # | (dim|mid)wits? | troons? # | retards? | boot\s*lickers? # | dumbass(es)? | spergs? # +-----------------+ # | [POST_ID] | # +-----------------+ /^(>>\d+(\s*\(\w+\))*)?\W*\W*$/i;op:no;type:comment;file:no;boards:pol # +------------------------------+ # | [POST_ID] | # | [GREEN_TEXT] | # | IMPERATIVE [WORD1 [WORD2]] | # +------------------------------+ /^((>>\d+(\s*\(\w+\))*)*\W*((\n|^)(>|>[^>].*)(\n|$))?\W*((this|based(\s+and\s+.*pilled)?|baste|basado|good|true|facts?|kino|correct|[fst]pbp|\/?thread|(\w+\s+)?underrated|cringe|bruh|check.d|witnessed|((top|holy|hearty)\s+)?kek|lf?ma+o+|l+[oe]+l+|my(\s+\w+)?\s+sides|niggers?\s+tongue\s+my\s+anus|b[ua]mp.*|(\w+\s+)?cope|dilate|kys|kill\s+yourself|sneed|seethe|o?k\.?|(take\s+(your\s+)?)?meds|(post|show)(\s+(your|his|her|it))?\s+(nose|flag|tits|bo+b[as]?|v[ea]g[ai]n[ae]|foreskin|feet)|tits\s+or\s+(gtfo|get\s+the\s+fuck\s+out)|you\s+know(\s+the)?\s+rules|shi+t|she+i+t|shi+e+t|da+mn|fu+ck|fu+g+|fuck\s+(off|you|him|her|them)|((you\s+(have\s+to|got\s+to|gotta)\s+)?go)?\s+back(\s+to\s+\S+)?|lurk\s+(moar|more)|shut(\s+(the\s+fuck))?\s+up|stfu|have\s+sex|ywnba?w|you(\s+will|.?ll)\s+never\s+be\s+(a\s+)?woman|roll(ing?)?|ngmi|wagmi|nice\s+try|try\s+harder|thanks|thank\s+you|k?ty|sage|it.?s(\s+all)?\s+so\s+tiresome|imagine\s+the\s+smell|found(\s+the)?|oy+\s+ve+y+|shut(\s+it)?\s+down|delete?|h+a+|a+h+|shalom)\W*)+(\W+\w+){0,2})\W*$/i;op:no;type:comment;file:no;boards:pol # +------------------------+ # | [POST_ID] | # | [GREEN_TEXT] | # | [WORD3 [WORD4]] SLUR | # +------------------------+ /^(>>\d+(\s*\(\w+\))*)*\W*((\n|^)(>|>[^>].*)(\n|$))?\W*(\w+\W+){0,2}((\w*nig(ger)?s?|\w*negros?|\w*kikes?|jews?|jidf|sc?hlomo|moi?she|rabbi|chang|chinks?|chinkoro|chink\s+chon[kg]|\w*fags?|faggots?|boomers?|schizos?|memefl?aggots?|(dim|mid)wits?|retards?|dumbass(es)?|morons?|shills?|pedo(phile)?s?|hoes?|whores?|bitch(es)?|roasties?|simps?|\w*cucks?|cuck\w+|subhumans?|\w*mutts?|hapas?|\w+lets?|\w+cels?|\w+pedes?|trann(y|ies)|troons?|boot\s*lickers?|spergs?)\W*)+\W*$/i;op:no;type:comment;file:no;boards:pol ############################# Redundancy ############################# # "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER ... " (> x3) /(nigger\s+){3,}/i;op:no;type:comment;boards:pol # Any other word > x4 /(\w+\s+)\1{3,}/i;op:no;type:comment;boards:pol # Any letter > x4 # "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" /([a-zA-Z?!.,])\1{4,}/i;op:no;type:comment;boards:pol ############################## D&C shit ############################## # >>319567907 (OP) # >spain # >white /^(>>\d+(\s*\(\w+\))*)*(\W*\n(>|>[^>].*))(\W*\n>\W*white)\W*$/i;op:no;type:comment;boards:pol ############################## Faggots ############################### # Unironical usage of faggy words /\b(polcels?|chuds?|bigots?|rightoids?|poc|people\W+of\W+colou?r|(w(hi|y)te\s*bo[yi]s?)(?! summer)|whit(ey|ies?|e?oids?)|white\s+(people|men|women)|cumskins?|crack(a|er)s?|hateful|y.?all|(trans|homo)phob(ic|ia|es?)|losers?|cisgender(ed)?|jerks?)/mi;op:only;type:subject,comment;boards:pol ########################### Take your meds ########################### # Any comment containing something about schizos and taking meds is # virtually always shit # "meds" in the vicinity of "take" or "schizo" /\bmeds\b.+(take|schizo)/im;op:no;type:filename+name+email+subject+comment;boards:pol /(take|schizo).+\bmeds\b/im;op:no;type:filename+name+email+subject+comment;boards:pol # Relaxed rules for outside of comment /meds.+(take|schizo)/mi;op:no;type:filename+name+email;boards:pol /(take|schizo).+meds/mi;op:no;type:filename+name+email;boards:pol ############################ Made for ... ############################ # "Built for BBC" # "Made for BGC" # (only when at the beginning of line) /^(buil[td]|made|manufactured)\W+for\W+\w+/mi;op:no;type:subject,comment;boards:pol # More general (matches single line) # "designed for BGC" /^\w+ed\W+for\W+\w+$/mi;op:no;type:subject,comment;boards:pol /\w+ed\W+for\W+b.c\b/mi;op:no;type:subject,comment;boards:pol #################### Known shills / special cases #################### # Turk-kraut spammer /all\W+I\W+have\W+on\W+Christianity/i;op:no;type:comment;boards:pol