prefix: '&9[MagicCosmetics] ' reload: '&aConfiguration files reloaded successfully!' no-permission: '&cYou dont have permission to do this!' offline-player: '&cThe player is not online!' cosmetic-notfound: '&cThere is no cosmetic with this id!' not-have-cosmetic: '&cYou do not have this cosmetic unlocked!' not-cosmetics: '&cYou dont have any cosmetic available!' already-cosmetic: '&cThe player already has a cosmetic with that id!' add-cosmetic: '&aSuccessfully added the cosmetic to the player!' remove-cosmetic: '&aSuccessfully deleted player cosmetic!' use-cosmetic: '&aYou are now using the &e%name% &acosmetic!' not-exist-menu: '&cThe menu with the id &e%id% &cdoes not exist!' add-token: '&aSuccessfully added a token to the player!' not-exist-token: '&cThe token with id &e%id% &cdoes not exist!' insufficient-tokens: '&cYou dont have enough tokens to redeem this cosmetic!' #1.5.2 already-token: '&cYou have already unlocked a cosmetic with this token!' #1.5.2 bossbar: - '&6Punch to open Catalogue' - '&cSneak to leave the Wardrobe' change-cosmetic-to-token: - '' - '&aYou have exchanged your cosmetic for a token!' - '' change-token-to-cosmetic: - '' - '&aYou have exchanged your token for a cosmetic!' - '' exit-some-cosmetics: '&cYou dont have &e%count% &cof cosmetics applied, they have been removed!' exit-all-cosmetics: '&cYou dont have all the cosmetics applied, they have been removed!' set-corn1: '&aYou have successfully set position 1 of the &e%name% &azone' set-corn2: '&aYou have successfully set position 2 of the &e%name% &azone' set-npc: '&aYou have correctly set the position of the npc of the zone &e%name%' set-exit: '&aYou have correctly set the exit position for the zone &e%name%' set-enter: '&aYou have successfully set the entry position for the zone &e%name%' set-balloon: '&aYou have correctly set the position of the globe for the zone &e%name%' give-corns: '&7Use the given item to set the zone positions' zone-created: '&aThe zone &e%name% &ahas been created successfully!' zone-exist: '&cThis zone already exists!' zone-disable: '&cZone &e%name% &chas been disabled!' zone-enable: '&aThe zone &e%name% &ahas been activated!' zone-save: '&aThe zone &e%name% &ahas been saved!' zone-not-exist: '&cThis zone does not exist!' available: '&aAvailable' unavailable: '&cNot available' equip: '&aEquipped' unequip: '&cUnEquipped' zone-exit-by-helmet: '&4Please remove your helmet before entering the wardrobe!' zone-exit-by-offhand: '&4Please remove your item from off-hand. before entering the wardrobe!' title-zone: '' edge: #1.5.2 available: '&a' #1.5.2 equip: '&6' #1.5.2 unavailable: '&c' #1.5.2 space-1: '' #1.5.2 space-2: '' #1.5.2 space-3: '' #1.5.2 types: hat: '&bHat' bag: '&bBag' wstick: '&bWalking stick' balloon: '&bBalloon' commands: not-found: '&cThe command does not exist!' add-usage: '&c/cosmetics add ' remove-usage: '&c/cosmetics remove ' use-usage: '&c/cosmetics use ' menu-usage: '&c/cosmetics open ' token-usage: '&c/cosmetics token give ' zones-usage: - '&c/cosmetics zones add ' - '&c/cosmetics zones setNPC ' - '&c/cosmetics zones setBalloon ' - '&c/cosmetics zones setEnter ' - '&c/cosmetics zones setExit ' - '&c/cosmetics zones giveCorns ' - '&c/cosmetics zones enable ' - '&c/cosmetics zones disable ' - '&c/cosmetics zones save '