Revisions for ⁨modified text manipulation for easier discriminating between dictation and commands⁩

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unlisted ⁨1⁩ ⁨file⁩ 2019-09-09 16:03:40 UTC

@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@

+from castervoice.lib.imports import *
+base_number_dict = {"zero": "0", "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3", "four": "4", "five": "5", "six": "6", "seven": "7", "eight": "8", "nine": "9" }
+number_dict = {"numb "+k:base_number_dict[k] for k in base_number_dict}
+class TextManipulation(MergeRule):
+    pronunciation = "text manipulation"
+    mapping = {
+        # PROBLEM: sometimes Dragon thinks the variables are part of dictation.
+        # replace text or character
+        "replace <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<occurrence_number>] <dictation> with <dictation2>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.copypaste_replace_phrase_with_phrase,
+                       dict(dictation="replaced_phrase", dictation2="replacement_phrase"), dictation_versus_character="dictation"),
+              rdescript="Text Manipulation: replace text to the left or right of the cursor"),
+        "replace punk <direction>  [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<occurrence_number>] <character> with <character2>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.copypaste_replace_phrase_with_phrase,
+                       dict(character="replaced_phrase", character2="replacement_phrase"), dictation_versus_character="character"),
+              rdescript="Text Manipulation: replace character to the left of the cursor"),
+        # remove text or character
+        "remove <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<occurrence_number>] <dictation>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.copypaste_remove_phrase_from_text,
+                       dict(dictation="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="dictation"),
+                        rdescript="Text Manipulation: remove chosen phrase to the left or right of the cursor"),
+        "remove punk <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<occurrence_number>] <character>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.copypaste_remove_phrase_from_text,
+                       dict(character="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="character"),
+              rdescript="Text Manipulation: remove chosen character to the left of the cursor"),
+        # remove until text or character
+        "remove <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] until [<before_after>] [<occurrence_number>] <dictation>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.copypaste_delete_until_phrase,
+                       dict(dictation="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="dictation"),
+              rdescript="Text Manipulation: delete until chosen phrase"),
+        "remove punk <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] until [<before_after>] [<occurrence_number>] <character>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.copypaste_delete_until_phrase,
+                       dict(character="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="character"),
+              rdescript="Text Manipulation: delete until chosen character"),
+        # move cursor
+        "(go | move) <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<before_after>] [<occurrence_number>] <dictation>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.move_until_phrase,
+                       dict(dictation="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="dictation"),
+               rdescript="Text Manipulation: move to chosen phrase to the left or right of the cursor"),
+        "(go | move) punk <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<before_after>] [<occurrence_number>] <character_sequence> [over]":
+            Function(lambda direction, before_after, number_of_lines_to_search, occurrence_number, character_sequence:
+             text_manipulation_functions.move_until_phrase(direction, before_after,
+             "".join(character_sequence), number_of_lines_to_search, occurrence_number, "character")),
+        # select text or character
+        "grab <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<occurrence_number>] <dictation>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.select_phrase,
+            dict(dictation="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="dictation"),
+                 rdescript="Text Manipulation: select chosen phrase"),
+        "grab punk <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] [<occurrence_number>] <character>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.select_phrase,
+            dict(character="phrase", dictation_versus_character="character")),
+            rdescript="Text Manipulation: select chosen character"),
+        # select until text or character
+        "grab <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] until [<before_after>] [<occurrence_number>] <dictation> ":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.select_until_phrase,
+            dict(dictation="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="dictation"),
+                 rdescript="Text Manipulation: select until chosen phrase"),
+        "grab punk <direction> [<number_of_lines_to_search>] until [<before_after>] [<occurrence_number>] <character>":
+            R(Function(text_manipulation_functions.select_until_phrase,
+            dict(character="phrase"), dictation_versus_character="character"),
+            rdescript="Text Manipulation: select until chosen character"),
+    }
+    new_text_punc_dict = copy.deepcopy(text_punc_dict)
+    new_text_punc_dict.update(alphanumeric.caster_alphabet)
+    new_text_punc_dict.update(number_dict)
+    character_dict = new_text_punc_dict
+    character_choice_object = Choice("character_choice", character_dict)
+    extras = [
+        Repetition(character_choice_object, min=1, max=3, name="character_sequence"),
+        Dictation("dict"),
+        Dictation("dictation"),
+        Dictation("dictation2"),
+        Dictation("text"),
+        IntegerRefST("n", 1, 100),
+        IntegerRefST("m", 1, 100),
+        IntegerRefST("wait_time", 1, 1000),
+        IntegerRefST("number_of_lines_to_search", 1, 50),
+        Choice("character", character_dict),
+        Choice("character2", character_dict),
+        Choice("single_character", character_dict),
+        Choice("direction", {
+            "lease": "left",
+            "ross": "right",
+            "sauce": "up",
+            "dunce": "down",
+            # note: "sauce" (i.e. "up") will be treated the same as "lease" (i.e. "left") except that
+            # the default number_of_lines_to_search will be set to 3
+            # in the same way, "dunce" (i.e. "down") will be treated the same as
+            # "ross" (i.e. "right")
+        }),
+        Choice("before_after", {
+            "before": "before",
+            "after": "after",
+        }),
+        Choice("occurrence_number", {
+            "first": 1,
+            "second": 2,
+            "third": 3,
+            "fourth": 4,
+            "fifth": 5,
+            "sixth": 6,
+            "seventh": 7,
+            "eighth": 8,
+            "ninth": 9,
+            "tenth": 10,
+        }),
+    ]
+    defaults = {
+        "before_after": None,
+        "number_of_lines_to_search": 0, # before changing this default, please read the function deal_with_up_down_directions
+        "occurrence_number": 1,} # if direction is up or down, the default number_of_lines_to_search
+        # will be 3 instead of zero.
+        # This can be changed in the function deal_with_up_down_directions
+        # 'number_of_lines_to_search = zero' means you are searching only on the current line