use rayon::ScopeFifo; use std::sync::Arc; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::sync::mpsc::Receiver; use std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel; trait LocalOrGlobalScope<'scope> where Self: 'scope { fn spawn_in_scope(&self, task: Task) where Task: for<'scoperef> FnOnce(&'scoperef Self), Task: Send + 'scope; } impl<'scope> LocalOrGlobalScope<'scope> for ScopeFifo<'scope> { fn spawn_in_scope(&self, task: Task) where Task: for<'scoperef> FnOnce(&'scoperef Self), Task: Send + 'scope { self.spawn_fifo(task); } } pub struct GlobalScope; impl LocalOrGlobalScope<'static> for GlobalScope { fn spawn_in_scope(&self, task: Task) where Task: for<'scoperef> FnOnce(&'scoperef Self), Task: Send + 'static { rayon::spawn_fifo(||task(&GlobalScope)); } } pub struct ParallelMapIter<'scoperef, 'scope, SomeScope, InputIter, OutputItem> where InputIter: Iterator { chans: VecDeque>, iter: std::iter::Fuse, scope: &'scoperef SomeScope, // We have to use "dyn" here, because return_position_impl_trait_in_trait is not yet stable op: Arc Fn(&'scoperef2 SomeScope, InputIter::Item) -> OutputItem + Sync + Send + 'scope>, } fn push_task<'scoperef, 'scope, SomeScope, InputItem, OutputItem>( input: InputItem, scope: &'scoperef SomeScope, op: Arc Fn(&'scoperef2 SomeScope, InputItem) -> OutputItem + Sync + Send + 'scope>, chans: &mut VecDeque> ) where InputItem: Send + 'scope, OutputItem: Send + 'scope, SomeScope: LocalOrGlobalScope<'scope>, { let (send, recv) = sync_channel(1); scope.spawn_in_scope(|scope|{ send.send(op(scope, input)).unwrap(); drop(send); drop(op); }); chans.push_back(recv); } fn low_level_par_map<'scoperef, 'scope, SomeScope, InputIter, OutputItem, Op>(iter: InputIter, scope: &'scoperef SomeScope, capacity: usize, op: Op) -> ParallelMapIter<'scoperef, 'scope, SomeScope, InputIter, OutputItem> where Op: for<'scoperef2> Fn(&'scoperef2 SomeScope, InputIter::Item) -> OutputItem, Op: Sync + Send + 'scope, InputIter::Item: Send + 'scope, OutputItem: Send + 'scope, SomeScope: LocalOrGlobalScope<'scope>, InputIter: Iterator, { assert!(capacity >= 1); let mut chans = VecDeque::new(); let op: Arc Fn(&'scoperef2 SomeScope, InputIter::Item) -> OutputItem + Sync + Send + 'scope> = Arc::new(op); let mut iter = iter.fuse(); for _ in 0..(capacity - 1) { if let Some(input) = { push_task(input, scope, Arc::clone(&op), &mut chans); } else { break; } } ParallelMapIter { chans, iter, scope, op } } pub trait ParallelMap: Iterator + Sized { fn par_map_with_scope_and_capacity<'scoperef, 'scope, OutputItem, Op>(self, scope: &'scoperef ScopeFifo<'scope>, capacity: usize, op: Op) -> ParallelMapIter<'scoperef, 'scope, ScopeFifo<'scope>, Self, OutputItem> where Op: for<'scoperef2> Fn(&'scoperef2 ScopeFifo<'scope>, Self::Item) -> OutputItem, Op: Sync + Send + 'scope, Self::Item: Send + 'scope, OutputItem: Send + 'scope, { low_level_par_map(self, scope, capacity, op) } fn par_map_with_scope<'scoperef, 'scope, OutputItem, Op>(self, scope: &'scoperef ScopeFifo<'scope>, op: Op) -> ParallelMapIter<'scoperef, 'scope, ScopeFifo<'scope>, Self, OutputItem> where Op: for<'scoperef2> Fn(&'scoperef2 ScopeFifo<'scope>, Self::Item) -> OutputItem, Op: Sync + Send + 'scope, Self::Item: Send + 'scope, OutputItem: Send + 'scope, { // We can just call rayon::current_num_threads. Unfortunately, this will not work if the scope was created using rayon::ThreadPool::in_place_scope_fifo. So we have to spawn new task merely to learn number of threads let (send, recv) = sync_channel(1); scope.spawn_fifo(|_|{ send.send(rayon::current_num_threads()).unwrap(); drop(send); }); let capacity = recv.recv().unwrap() * 2; drop(recv); self.par_map_with_scope_and_capacity(scope, capacity, op) } fn par_map_with_capacity(self, capacity: usize, op: Op) -> ParallelMapIter<'static, 'static, GlobalScope, Self, OutputItem> where Op: Fn(Self::Item) -> OutputItem, Op: Sync + Send + 'static, Self::Item: Send + 'static, OutputItem: Send + 'static, { low_level_par_map(self, &GlobalScope, capacity, move |_, input|op(input)) } fn par_map(self, op: Op) -> ParallelMapIter<'static, 'static, GlobalScope, Self, OutputItem> where Op: Fn(Self::Item) -> OutputItem, Op: Sync + Send + 'static, Self::Item: Send + 'static, OutputItem: Send + 'static, { self.par_map_with_capacity(rayon::current_num_threads() * 2, op) } fn par_map_for_each_with_capacity(self, capacity: usize, map_op: MapOp, for_each_op: ForEachOp) where MapOp: Fn(Self::Item) -> OutputItem, MapOp: Sync + Send, ForEachOp: FnMut(OutputItem), Self::Item: Send, OutputItem: Send, { rayon::in_place_scope_fifo(|s|{ self.par_map_with_scope_and_capacity(s, capacity, move |_, input|map_op(input)).for_each(for_each_op); }); } fn par_map_for_each(self, map_op: MapOp, for_each_op: ForEachOp) where MapOp: Fn(Self::Item) -> OutputItem, MapOp: Sync + Send, ForEachOp: FnMut(OutputItem), Self::Item: Send, OutputItem: Send, { self.par_map_for_each_with_capacity(rayon::current_num_threads() * 2, map_op, for_each_op); } } impl ParallelMap for InputIter { } impl<'scoperef, 'scope, SomeScope, InputIter, OutputItem> Iterator for ParallelMapIter<'scoperef, 'scope, SomeScope, InputIter, OutputItem> where InputIter: Iterator, InputIter::Item: Send + 'scope, OutputItem: Send + 'scope, SomeScope: LocalOrGlobalScope<'scope>, { type Item = OutputItem; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(input) = { push_task(input, self.scope, Arc::clone(&self.op), &mut self.chans); } #[allow(clippy::manual_map)] if let Some(output) = self.chans.pop_front() { Some(output.recv().unwrap()) } else { None } } }