Post/Pre Shoot Events

From MrCrayfish's gun mod

unlisted ⁨1⁩ ⁨file⁩ 2022-02-09 16:18:11 UTC

 * <p>Fired when a player shoots a gun.</p>
 * @author Ocelot
public class GunFireEvent extends PlayerEvent
    private final ItemStack stack;

    public GunFireEvent(Player player, ItemStack stack)
        this.stack = stack;

     * @return The stack the player was holding when firing the gun
    public ItemStack getStack()
        return stack;

     * @return Whether or not this event was fired on the client side
    public boolean isClient()
        return this.getPlayer().getCommandSenderWorld().isClientSide();

     * <p>Fired when a player is about to shoot a bullet.</p>
     * @author Ocelot
    public static class Pre extends GunFireEvent
        public Pre(Player player, ItemStack stack)
            super(player, stack);

     * <p>Fired after a player has shot a bullet.</p>
     * @author Ocelot
    public static class Post extends GunFireEvent
        public Post(Player player, ItemStack stack)
            super(player, stack);