[11:41:13 INFO]: Booting up Velocity 3.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-6496983c-b171)... [11:41:13 INFO]: Loading localizations... [11:41:13 INFO]: Connections will use epoll channels, libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression, OpenSSL 1.1.x (Linux x86_64) ciphers [11:41:13 WARN]: The proxy is running in offline mode! This is a security risk and you will NOT receive any support! [11:41:13 INFO]: Loading plugins... [11:41:13 INFO] [limboapi]: Initializing Simple Virtual Block system... [11:41:15 INFO] [limboapi]: Initializing Simple Virtual Item system... [11:41:15 INFO] [limboapi]: Hooking into EventManager, PlayerList and StateRegistry... [11:41:15 INFO]: Loaded plugin limboapi 1.0.6-SNAPSHOT (git-9fbc8153) by hevav, mdxd44 [11:41:15 INFO]: Loaded plugin limboauth 1.0.6-SNAPSHOT by hevav, mdxd44 [11:41:15 INFO]: Loaded plugin limboauth-social-addon 1.0.1 by hevav, mdxd44 [11:41:15 INFO]: Loaded plugin limbofilter 1.0.6-SNAPSHOT by hevav, mdxd44 [11:41:15 INFO]: Loaded 4 plugins [11:41:16 INFO] [limboapi]: Creating and preparing packets... [11:41:16 INFO] [limboapi]: Loaded! [11:41:20 INFO]: Listening on /[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0]:25565 [11:41:20 INFO]: Done (7.88s)! [11:41:20 INFO] [limbofilter]: Captcha generated in 1534 ms. [11:42:10 ERROR]: [initial connection] / read timed out [11:43:10 ERROR]: [initial connection] / read timed out [11:44:10 ERROR]: [initial connection] / read timed out