Revisions for ⁨DrawFlat2DEncoded⁩

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unlisted ⁨1⁩ ⁨file⁩ 2018-12-29 23:51:54 UTC

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+//! Flat forward drawing pass that mimics a blit.
+use crate::pass::{
+    encoded_2d::*,
+    encoder::{EncodingBuffer, Flat2DData},
+    util::*,
+use amethyst::{
+    assets::AssetStorage,
+    core::{
+        specs::prelude::{Read, ReadStorage, Write},
+        transform::GlobalTransform,
+    },
+    renderer::{
+        error::Result,
+        get_camera,
+        pipe::{
+            pass::{Pass, PassData},
+            DepthMode, Effect, NewEffect,
+        },
+        ActiveCamera, Attributes, Camera, Encoder, Factory, Query, Texture, VertexFormat,
+    },
+use derivative::*;
+use gfx::pso::buffer::ElemStride;
+use gfx_core::state::{Blend, ColorMask};
+use glsl_layout::Uniform;
+/// Draws sprites on a 2D quad.
+#[derive(Derivative, Clone, Debug)]
+#[derivative(Default(bound = "Self: Pass"))]
+pub struct DrawFlat2DEncoded {
+    transparency: Option<(ColorMask, Blend, Option<DepthMode>)>,
+    instance_data: Vec<f32>,
+impl DrawFlat2DEncoded
+    Self: Pass,
+    /// Create instance of `DrawFlat2DEncoded` pass
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            transparency: None,
+            instance_data: Vec::with_capacity(1024),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Enable transparency
+    pub fn with_transparency(
+        mut self,
+        mask: ColorMask,
+        blend: Blend,
+        depth: Option<DepthMode>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        self.transparency = Some((mask, blend, depth));
+        self
+    }
+    fn attributes() -> Attributes<'static> {
+        <SpriteInstance as Query<(DirX, DirY, Pos, OffsetU, OffsetV, Depth)>>::QUERIED_ATTRIBUTES
+    }
+impl<'a> PassData<'a> for DrawFlat2DEncoded {
+    type Data = (
+        Option<Read<'a, ActiveCamera>>,
+        ReadStorage<'a, Camera>,
+        ReadStorage<'a, GlobalTransform>,
+        Write<'a, EncodingBuffer<Flat2DData>>,
+        Read<'a, AssetStorage<Texture>>,
+    );
+impl Pass for DrawFlat2DEncoded {
+    fn compile(&mut self, effect: NewEffect<'_>) -> Result<Effect> {
+        use std::mem;
+        let mut builder = effect.simple(VERT_SRC, FRAG_SRC);
+        builder
+            .without_back_face_culling()
+            .with_raw_constant_buffer(
+                "ViewArgs",
+                mem::size_of::<<ViewArgs as Uniform>::Std140>(),
+                1,
+            )
+            .with_raw_vertex_buffer(Self::attributes(), SpriteInstance::size() as ElemStride, 1);
+        setup_textures(&mut builder, &TEXTURES);
+        match self.transparency {
+            Some((mask, blend, depth)) => builder.with_blended_output("color", mask, blend, depth),
+            None => builder.with_output("color", Some(DepthMode::LessEqualWrite)),
+        };
+    }
+    fn apply<'a, 'b: 'a>(
+        &'a mut self,
+        encoder: &mut Encoder,
+        effect: &mut Effect,
+        mut factory: Factory,
+        (active, camera, global, mut buffer, tex_storage): <Self as PassData<'a>>::Data,
+    ) {
+        let camera = get_camera(active, &camera, &global);
+        use gfx::{
+            buffer,
+            memory::{Bind, Typed},
+            Factory,
+        };
+        // Sprite vertex shader
+        set_view_args(effect, encoder, camera);
+        // We might be able to improve performance here if we
+        // preallocate the maximum needed capacity. We need to
+        // iterate over the sprites though to find out the longest
+        // chain of sprites with the same texture, so we would need
+        // to check if it actually results in an improvement over just
+        // doing the allocations.
+        let instance_data = &mut self.instance_data;
+        let mut num_instances = 0;
+        let num_quads = buffer.vec.len();
+        let mut current_tex_id = buffer.vec.first().map(|d|;
+        for (i, quad) in buffer.vec.iter().enumerate() {
+            let Flat2DData {
+                dir_x,
+                dir_y,
+                pos,
+                uv_left,
+                uv_right,
+                uv_bottom,
+                uv_top,
+                texture,
+                ..
+            } = quad;
+            instance_data.extend(&[
+                dir_x.x, dir_x.y, dir_y.x, dir_y.y, pos.x, pos.y, *uv_left, *uv_right, *uv_bottom,
+                *uv_top, pos.z,
+            ]);
+            num_instances += 1;
+            // Need to flush outstanding draw calls due to state switch (texture).
+            //
+            // 1. We are at the last sprite and want to submit all pending work.
+            // 2. The next sprite will use a different texture triggering a flush.
+            let need_flush = i >= num_quads - 1 || current_tex_id !=;
+            current_tex_id =;
+            if need_flush {
+                if let Some(texture) = tex_storage.get(texture) {
+                    add_texture(effect, texture);
+                    let vbuf = factory
+                        .create_buffer_immutable(
+                            &instance_data,
+                            buffer::Role::Vertex,
+                            Bind::empty(),
+                        )
+                        .expect("Unable to create immutable buffer for `TextureBatch`");
+                    for _ in DrawFlat2DEncoded::attributes() {
+              ;
+                    }
+                    effect.draw(
+                        &Slice {
+                            start: 0,
+                            end: 6,
+                            base_vertex: 0,
+                            instances: Some((num_instances, 0)),
+                            buffer: Default::default(),
+                        },
+                        encoder,
+                    );
+                    effect.clear();
+                }
+                num_instances = 0;
+                instance_data.clear();
+            }
+        }
+        buffer.vec.clear();
+    }