--------- beginning of main 12-26 16:21:12.978 21468 21608 I Bugle : BroadcastReceiverAsyncWorkTracker: Acknowledging broadcast of sti@6b91d05 12-26 16:21:13.576 21468 21468 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl: Timestamp for ACTION_EXECUTE_QUEUED_GenericWorkerQueueAction elapsedRealTime: 270336229 currentTimeMillis: 1703629273576 12-26 16:21:13.611 21468 24305 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl: Timestamp for ACTION_BACKGROUND_QUEUED_GenericWorkerQueueAction elapsedRealTime: 270336264 currentTimeMillis: 1703629273611 12-26 16:21:13.760 21468 24221 I BugleJobs: GenericWorkerQueueAction: Bailing early, no work found, no failed work found 12-26 16:21:13.768 21468 24221 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl: Timestamp for ACTION_RESPONSE_QUEUED_GenericWorkerQueueAction elapsedRealTime: 270336422 currentTimeMillis: 1703629273768 12-26 16:21:18.604 21468 21608 I Bugle : BroadcastReceiverAsyncWorkTracker: Acknowledging broadcast of sti@6b91d05 12-26 16:21:28.997 21468 21468 I BugleRecipientSync: Skipped full participant refresh 12-26 16:21:29.119 21468 24217 D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0x79697800,api=1) 12-26 16:21:29.135 21468 24217 D Surface : Surface::connect(this=0x79697800,api=1) 12-26 16:21:29.138 21468 24217 D Surface : Surface::setBufferCount(this=0x79697800,bufferCount=3) 12-26 16:21:29.153 21468 21468 I BuglePaginationV3: HomeFragment onResume called 12-26 16:21:29.224 21468 21468 I Bugle : HomeErrorStateLogger: Marking homeFragmentShown 12-26 16:21:29.231 21468 21468 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@3927122, this = DecorView@61eb7b3[ConversationListActivity] 12-26 16:21:29.240 21468 21558 I BugleBlock: BlockedParticipantsUtil#shouldUseSystemBlockedContacts: blocked contacts already migrated 12-26 16:21:29.252 21468 24221 I Bugle : ConversationListDataSources: Creating a new instance of ConversationListDataSource. 12-26 16:21:29.818 21468 24607 I Bugle : HomeScreenQueryCache: ConversationListGroup: HOME, Label: UNKNOWN, firstLoad: false 12-26 16:21:29.892 21468 24233 I BugleNotifications: Marking conversation(s) [] as notified (updateCount 0) 12-26 16:21:29.905 21468 24233 I BugleNotifications: Initiating notification refresh from MarkAsNotifiedHandler 12-26 16:21:29.990 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.038 21468 24607 I chatty : uid=10156(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 19 lines 12-26 16:21:30.038 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.043 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.049 21468 24607 I chatty : uid=10156(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 5 lines 12-26 16:21:30.052 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.052 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.053 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.055 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.063 21468 24607 I chatty : uid=10156(com.google.android.apps.messaging) Blocking Thread identical 7 lines 12-26 16:21:30.064 21468 24607 E .apps.messagin: Invalid ID 0x00000000. 12-26 16:21:30.077 21468 24607 I Bugle : ConversationListDataSources: key: 1145, total: 13, position: 0, returned list size: 13 12-26 16:21:30.079 21468 21509 I .apps.messagin: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 22181(1478KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 3% free, 7945KB/8224KB, paused 758us total 254.979ms 12-26 16:21:30.079 21468 21468 I Bugle : HomeFragment: ConversationList load finished, list size: 13 12-26 16:21:30.181 21468 24607 I BugleNotifications: Starting refreshIncomingMessageNotifications: silent - false, isSmartReplyUpdate - false, isFromNotification - false [CONTEXT conversation_id="-1" ] 12-26 16:21:30.246 21468 21509 I .apps.messagin: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 17832(1137KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(84KB) LOS objects, 2% free, 7991KB/8224KB, paused 3.906ms total 165.030ms 12-26 16:21:30.303 21468 24607 I BugleNotifications: No unseen incoming message notifications 12-26 16:21:30.303 21468 24607 I BugleNotifications: No incomingMessageNotification created, canceling existing incomingMessageNotifications 12-26 16:21:30.337 21468 24305 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=0d16407b-7d8b-4937-8449-72d6b011ecdb, tags={ com.google.android.apps.messaging.shared.datamodel.workqueue.WorkQueueWorkerShim,mark_as_notified- } ] 12-26 16:21:30.352 21468 24607 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=cd30361d-2ad7-4ef1-bbe4-f2610f761166, tags={ com.google.android.apps.messaging.shared.datamodel.workqueue.WorkQueueWorkerShim,refresh_incoming_message_notifications- } ] 12-26 16:21:30.362 21468 24607 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=00ecbada-5f71-4b69-95be-6d5b81835178, tags={ com.google.android.apps.messaging.shared.datamodel.workqueue.WorkQueueWorkerShim,refresh_message_failure_notification- } ] 12-26 16:21:30.563 21468 21509 I .apps.messagin: Background concurrent copying GC freed 45488(2351KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(84KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 6116KB/11MB, paused 153us total 315.556ms 12-26 16:21:30.825 21468 24295 I BugleDataModel: ParticipantRefresh: Contacts changed 12-26 16:21:30.971 21468 24295 I BugleDataModel: ParticipantRefresh: Contacts changed 12-26 16:21:31.035 21468 24607 I BugleNetwork: TachyonBindApplicationStateManager: RCS is not disabled. Proceed to bind to Tachygram. availability: SUBJECT_TO_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS 12-26 16:21:31.036 21468 24607 I BugleRcsEngine: [8968] xll.i: ProvisioningEngineDataRetriever: RCS Configuration storage in Bugle is disabled by p/h flag, using ProvisioningEngineStateCacheUtil.getProvisioningConfigurationForGivenSimIfExist() 12-26 16:21:31.039 21468 24607 I BugleTransport: Enabled chat transport is TRANSPORT_TACHYGRAM [CONTEXT group_by="TRANSPORT_TACHYGRAM" ratelimit_period="5 SECONDS" ] 12-26 16:21:31.040 21468 21608 I BugleNetwork: TachyonBindApplicationStateManager: Bind to Tachyon for phone on foregrounding 12-26 16:21:31.040 21468 21608 I BugleNetwork: TACHYON_REGISTRATION_TYPE_PHONE_NUMBER NewBindHandler: Start a new bind session and stream immediately, if it is not currently started. 12-26 16:21:31.040 21468 21608 I BugleNetwork: RegistrationProvider: Getting Tachyon registration 12-26 16:21:31.041 21468 21647 I BugleNetwork: RegistrationProvider: RefreshRequestId: a8ea4b34-7b84-45df-9f11-5074a4ee79a8 12-26 16:21:31.056 21468 24221 I BugleTransport: isChatAvailable: RcsAvailability is SUBJECT_TO_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS (RCS services can't run in the background) 12-26 16:21:31.057 21468 24305 I BugleTransport: isChatAvailable: RcsAvailability is SUBJECT_TO_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS (RCS services can't run in the background) 12-26 16:21:33.862 21468 21553 I BugleProtoData: TachyonPhoneDataService: Setting probationary values, state: 3, client feature flags: [15], client capabilities extension: [], client caps: [] 12-26 16:21:34.222 21468 21894 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@86b8793 12-26 16:21:34.226 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: RegistrationProvider: Got StatusRuntimeException for RegisterRefresh, error: UNSPECIFIED, status: PERMISSION_DENIED, exception: akay: PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: RegistrationProvider: Failed to register with Tachyon 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: akay: PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at io.grpc.Status.f(PG:1) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at akpn.a(PG:6) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at aket.a(PG:3) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at akfm.run(PG:2) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at akkv.run(PG:2) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: RegistrationProvider: Got error in StatusRuntimeException. Notifying tachyon registration error listeners, error: 1, status: PERMISSION_DENIED 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: akay: PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at io.grpc.Status.f(PG:1) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at akpn.a(PG:6) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at aket.a(PG:3) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at akfm.run(PG:2) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at akkv.run(PG:2) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641) 12-26 16:21:34.228 21468 21554 W BugleNetwork: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919) 12-26 16:21:39.676 21468 21468 I BuglePaginationV3: HomeFragment onPause called 12-26 16:21:40.087 21468 24217 D Surface : Surface::disconnect(this=0x79697800,api=1) 12-26 16:21:40.122 21468 24217 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0 12-26 16:21:40.135 21468 21468 I BugleNetwork: TACHYON_REGISTRATION_TYPE_PHONE_NUMBER NewBindHandler: App backgrounded. Refresh the idle timer. 12-26 16:21:40.139 21468 21468 I BuglePaginationV3: HomeFragment onStop called 12-26 16:21:40.145 21468 21468 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@3927122, this = DecorView@61eb7b3[ConversationListActivity] 12-26 16:21:40.171 21468 21468 I DecorView[]: getViewTreeObserver start ConversationListActivity