
unlisted ⁨2⁩ ⁨files⁩ 2024-05-10 10:04:41 UTC


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Config xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <useUconomy>false</useUconomy> <!-- Enable Uconomy (if false use experience) --> 
  <canKillDown>true</canKillDown> <!-- Enable killing down person -->
  <disableVehicleDamage>true</disableVehicleDamage> <!-- Toggle damage given to player with vehicle-->
  <disablePunchDamage>true</disablePunchDamage><!-- Toggle damage given to player with punching-->
  <minDownHealth>10</minDownHealth> <!-- Amount of health when player becomes downed -->
  <doctorPermission>sydefq.dr</doctorPermission> <!-- EMS doctor permission -->
  <downInterval>60</downInterval> <!-- How long a player can be downed (After this interval player dies) -->
  <enableBleeding>false</enableBleeding> <!-- make user bleed when down -->
  <enableBreakBones>false</enableBreakBones> <!-- make user break bones when down -->
  <reviveInterval>10</reviveInterval> <!-- Revive interval for non ems players -->
  <EMSReviveTime>8</EMSReviveTime> <!-- Revive interval for ems players  -->
  <patientDistance>5</patientDistance> <!-- Distance between downed person and ems to perform reviving -->
  <dragDistance>5</dragDistance> <!-- Distance between downed person and ems to perform dragging-->
  <emsMinCount>2</emsMinCount> <!-- When this number of EMS is online inside game, regular players cannot revive downed people -->
  <scalpelId>15141</scalpelId> <!-- Item to perform organ stealing -->
  <rewardOnRevive>true</rewardOnRevive> <!-- Reward player when revive someone -->
  <doctorRewardAmount>15</doctorRewardAmount> <!-- Reward amount to players who has doctorPermission -->
  <playerRewardAmount>5</playerRewardAmount> <!-- Reward amount for regular players -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="UITitle" Value="YOU GOT INJURED!" />
  <Translation Id="UIDownDesc_1" Value="You are about to lose your conciousness but you still have time to make a last 911 call." />
  <Translation Id="UIDownDesc_2" Value="Call 911?" />
  <Translation Id="UICallBtn" Value="Call 911" />
  <Translation Id="UISuicideBtn" Value="Give up" />
  <Translation Id="UICounterUnit" Value="sec" />
  <Translation Id="UICalled911" Value="You called for help. Hang on!" />
  <Translation Id="UIReviving" Value="REVIVING" />
  <Translation Id="UIReviving_Desc_Patient" Value="Someone is performing first aid on you." />
  <Translation Id="CannotPerformReviveWhileEMSOnline" Value="You cannot revive a player if there is already an online EMS employee" />
  <Translation Id="CannotReviveWithoutMedkit" Value="You cannot revive a player without placing a medkit" />
  <Translation Id="MedBagBroken" Value="Your medbag is broken" />
  <Translation Id="DoctorUITitle" Value="FIRST AID" />
  <Translation Id="DoctorUIDesc" Value="You are giving first aid to the injured. Do not move away from the patient!" />
  <Translation Id="Revive" Value="Admin revived you!" />
  <Translation Id="ReviveAdmin" Value="The player revived successfully" />
  <Translation Id="NotDown" Value="Player is not wounded" />
  <Translation Id="PlayerNotFound" Value="Player not found" />
  <Translation Id="StealSuccess" Value="Organ Steal Success!" />
  <Translation Id="OnlyCanStealDown" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[IEMS]&lt;/color&gt; You can only steal organs from people who are unconscious on the ground." />
  <Translation Id="NeedScalpel" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[IEMS]&lt;/color&gt; You need to have &lt;color=red&gt;{0}&lt;/color&gt; to steal organ" />
  <Translation Id="StartedDragging" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[IEMS]&lt;/color&gt; Started dragging" />
  <Translation Id="StoppedDragging" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[IEMS]&lt;/color&gt; Stopped dragging" />
  <Translation Id="NoPatient" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[IEMS]&lt;/color&gt; There is no patient" />
  <Translation Id="911Notify" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[911]&lt;/color&gt; Someone is calling help! Location: &lt;color=red&gt;{0}&lt;/color&gt;. Location is marked in your map as &lt;color=red&gt;[911]&lt;/color&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="ReviveReward" Value="&lt;color=red&gt;[911]&lt;/color&gt; You got rewarded amount of &lt;color=red&gt;{0}&lt;/color&gt; for reviving the player" />