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unlisted ⁨1⁩ ⁨file⁩ 2020-05-11 13:54:51 UTC


@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@

+# Tags is where you can customize what will show on chat, on hover or on click on tag.
+# To add a tag, you can copy an existent and change the name and the texts.
+# After add and customize your tag, put the tag name on 'general > default-tag-builder'.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ###### Do not rename the tags 'playername', 'nickname' and 'message' ########
+# ############ or the plugin will not parse the tag correctly! ################
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Available replacers:
+# - {world}: Replaced by sender world;
+# - {message}: Message sent by player;
+# - {playername}: The name of player;
+# - {nickname}: The nickname of player. If not set, will show realname;
+# - {nick-symbol}: The symbol to use before nickname;
+# - {ch-name}: Channel name;
+# - {ch-alias}: Channel alias;
+# - {ch-color}: Channel color;
+# - {balance}: Get the sender money;
+# - {hand-type}: Item type;
+# - {hand-name}: Item name;
+# - {hand-amount}: Item quantity;
+# - {hand-lore}: Item description (lore);
+# - {hand-durability}: Item durability;
+# - {hand-enchants}: Item enchantments;
+# - {time-now}: Prints the time now on server;
+# Permissions Group Options:
+# - {option_group}: Get the group name;
+# - {option_prefix}: Get the prefix of group (if set);
+# - {option_suffix}: Get the suffix of group (if set);
+# - {option_display_name}: Get the custom name of group (if set);
+# - {option_<key option>}: Get some custom key option from your group in permissions like {option_home-count} to get home count from Nucleus;
+# Permissions Player Options:
+# - {player_option_prefix}: Get the prefix of player (if set);
+# - {player_option_suffix}: Get the suffix of player (if set);
+# - {player_option_<key option>}: Get some custom key option from your permissions like {player_option_viptime} or what you want;
+# Vanilla Chat:
+# - {chat_header}: Get the header of chat;
+# - {chat_body}: Get the body of chat;
+# - {chat_footer}: Get the footer of chat;
+# - {chat_all}: Get all default formats;
+# MCClans:
+# - {clan_name}: The name of clan;
+# - {clan_tag}: Clan tag;
+# - {clan_tag_color}: Clan tag with colors;
+# - {clan_kdr}: Clan KDR;
+# - {clan_player_rank}: Get the player rank on Clan;
+# - {clan_player_kdr}: Get the player KDR;
+# - {clan_player_ffprotected}: Get if player is friendly fire protected;
+# - {clan_player_isowner}: Get if this player os owner of this Clan;
+# Jedis (Redis):
+# - {jedis-id} - The ID of this server;
+# API configurations.
+api {
+    format-console-messages=false
+    # Change this if using SpongeVanilla or some issues to UChat detect the API versions.
+    # - Available: 5, 6, 7, 8
+    sponge-api=7
+broadcast {
+    # Aliases to use for broadcast.
+    aliases="broadcast,broad,ubroad,announce,say,action,all,anunciar,todos"
+    # Enable broadcast. Enabling this will unregister any other broadcasts commands using the same aliases.
+    enable=true
+    # Tag to use on broadcast message to set a click event.
+    on-click="click:"
+    # Tag to use on broadcast message to set a hover message.
+    on-hover="hover:"
+    # Tag to use on broadcast message to set a website url on click.
+    url="url:"
+debug {
+    messages=false
+    timings=false
+# Enable the two way chat into discord and minecraft.
+# Generate your bot token following this instructions:
+discord {
+    # Channel id to send commands issued by players
+    commands-channel-id=""
+    # The default status of bot. Available status: DEFAULT, LISTENING, WATCHING and STREAMING
+    game-type=DEFAULT
+    # Channel id to send server start/stop and player join/leave messages
+    log-channel-id=""
+    # Put the id on 'commands-channel-id' option or/and enable server commands on channel configuration to use this.
+    server-commands {
+        # This alias is not needed if using the channel set on 'commands-channel-id' option.
+        alias="!cmd"
+        blacklist=[
+            stop,
+            whitelist
+        ]
+        withelist=[]
+    }
+    # Channel id to spy private messages
+    tell-channel-id=""
+    token=""
+    # If game-type = STREAMING, set the twitch url.
+    twitch=""
+    update-status=true
+    use=false
+# General settings.
+general {
+    # Template to show when players send links or urls.
+    URL-template="&3Click to open &n{url}&r"
+    # Command and aliases for /channel command.
+    channel-cmd-aliases="channel, ch"
+    # Tag to show when sent messages from console to channels.
+    console-tag="&6 {console}&3"
+    custom-tags=[]
+    # Set the default channel for new players or when players join on server.
+    default-channel=l
+    # This is the main tag builder.
+    # Change the order of this tags to change how tag is displayed on chat.
+    # This tags represent the names of tag in this configuration.
+    default-tag-builder="ch-tags,prefix,playername,suffix,message"
+    # Enable to allow parse tags and placeholders on messages.
+    enable-tags-on-messages=false
+    item-hand {
+        enable=true
+        # Text to show on chat on hover the tag.
+        format="&6[{hand-amount} {hand-type}]{group-suffix}"
+        # Placeholder to use on chat by players to show your item in hand.
+        placeholder="@hand"
+    }
+    nick-symbol="&6~&f"
+    persist-channels=true
+    # Remove this from chat (like empty tags)
+    remove-from-chat=[
+        "[]",
+        "&7[]",
+        "&7[&7]"
+    ]
+    # Enable spy on join?
+    spy-enabled-onjoin=true
+    # Chat spy format.
+    spy-format="&c[Spy] {output}"
+    # Aliases to send commands from system to players (without any format, good to send messages from other plugins direct to players).
+    umsg-cmd-aliases=umsg
+# Enable hook with other plugins here. Only enable if installed.
+hooks {
+    MCClans {
+        # Enable broadcast. Enabling this will unregister any other broadcasts commands using the same aliases.
+        enable=false
+    }
+# Jedis configuration.
+# Use Jedis to send messages between other servers running Jedis.
+# Consider a replecement as Bungeecoord.
+jedis {
+    enable=false
+    ip=localhost
+    pass=""
+    port=6379
+    server-id="&e-ChangeThis-&r "
+# Available languages: EN-US, PT-BR, FR-FR, FR-ES, HU-HU, RU, SP-ES, ZH-CN and KO-KR
+# Use mentions on chat to change the player name color and play a sound on mention.
+mention {
+    color-template="&e@{mentioned-player}&r"
+    enable=true
+    hover-message="&e{playername} mentioned you!"
+    playsound="minecraft:block.note.pling"
+# This is where you will create as many tags you want.
+# You can use the tag "custom-tag" as base to create your own tags.
+# When finish, get the name of your tag and put on "general.default-tag-build" 
+# or on channel builder on "channels" folder.
+tags {
+    admin-chat {
+        format="&b[&r{playername}&b]&r: &b"
+    }
+    ch-tags {
+        click-cmd="ch {ch-alias}"
+        format="&8[{ch-color}{ch-alias}&8] "
+        hover-messages=[
+            "&3Название канала: {ch-color}{ch-name}",
+            "&bНажмите, чтобы перейти в этот канал"
+        ]
+    }
+    custom-tag {
+        click-cmd="say I created an awesome tag!"
+        click-url=""
+        format="&7[&2MyTag&7]"
+        hide-in-worlds=[
+            world-hide
+        ]
+        hover-messages=[
+            "You discovered me :P"
+        ]
+        permission="any-name-perm.custom-tag"
+        show-in-worlds=[
+            world-show
+        ]
+    }
+    jedis {
+        format="{server-id}"
+        hover-messages=[
+            "&7Server: {jedis-id}",
+            "&cChange me on configuration!"
+        ]
+    }
+    message {
+        format="{message}"
+    }
+    nickname {
+        format="{nickname}"
+        hover-messages=[
+            "&bИгрок: &6{playername}",
+            "&bБаланс: &6{balance}"
+        ]
+    }
+    playername {
+        format="{playername}&f: "
+        hover-messages=[
+            "&bИгрок: &6{playername}",
+            "&bБаланс: &6{balance}"
+        ]
+    }
+    prefix {
+        format="{option_prefix}"
+        hover-messages=[
+            "&bРанг: &6{option_display_name}"
+        ]
+    }
+    suffix {
+        format="{option_suffix}"
+    }
+    vanilla-chat {
+        format="{chat_header}{chat_body}"
+    }
+    world {
+        format=""
+        hover-messages=[
+            "&7Sent from world &8{world}"
+        ]
+    }
+tell {
+    # Enabling tell will unregister other plugins using tell like nucleus, and will use only this tell.
+    cmd-aliases="tell,t,w,m,msg,private,priv"
+    # Enabling tell will unregister other plugins using tell like nucleus, and will use only this tell.
+    enable=true
+    # Suffix (or message) of tell.
+    format="{message}"
+    # Hover messages to show on tell messages.
+    hover-messages=null
+    # Prefix of tell messages.
+    prefix="&6[&c{playername} &6-> &c{receivername}&6]: "