Revisions for ⁨Multiverse-Core Debug Info⁩

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unlisted ⁨3⁩ ⁨files⁩ 2023-01-04 04:11:06 UTC


@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

+[Multiverse-Core] Multiverse-Core Version: 4.3.1-b861
+[Multiverse-Core] Bukkit Version: 3611-Spigot-61bffe0-19e6be0 (MC: 1.19.3)
+[Multiverse-Core] Loaded Worlds: [{"MVWorld@980500168":{"Gen":null,"Type":"NORMAL","Env":"NORMAL","Name":"NewWorld1"}}, {"MVWorld@155616088":{"Gen":null,"Type":"NORMAL","Env":"NETHER","Name":"NewWorld1_nether"}}, {"MVWorld@1178904934":{"Gen":null,"Type":"NORMAL","Env":"THE_END","Name":"NewWorld1_the_end"}}]
+[Multiverse-Core] Multiverse Plugins Loaded: 0
+[Multiverse-Core] Economy being used: EssentialsX Economy
+[Multiverse-Core] Permissions Plugin: Bukkit Permissions (SuperPerms)
+[Multiverse-Core] Dumping Config Values: (version 2.9)
+[Multiverse-Core]   enforceaccess: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   prefixchat: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   prefixchatformat: [%world%]%chat%
+[Multiverse-Core]   useasyncchat: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   teleportintercept: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   firstspawnoverride: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   displaypermerrors: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   enablebuscript: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   globaldebug: 0
+[Multiverse-Core]   silentstart: false
+[Multiverse-Core]   messagecooldown: 5000
+[Multiverse-Core]   version: 2.9
+[Multiverse-Core]   firstspawnworld: NewWorld1
+[Multiverse-Core]   teleportcooldown: 1000
+[Multiverse-Core]   defaultportalsearch: true
+[Multiverse-Core]   portalsearchradius: 128
+[Multiverse-Core]   autopurge: true
+[Multiverse-Core] Special Code: FRN002


@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

+  ==: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCoreConfiguration
+  enforceaccess: 'true'
+  prefixchat: 'true'
+  prefixchatformat: '[%world%]%chat%'
+  useasyncchat: 'true'
+  teleportintercept: 'true'
+  firstspawnoverride: 'true'
+  displaypermerrors: 'true'
+  enablebuscript: 'true'
+  globaldebug: '0'
+  silentstart: 'false'
+  messagecooldown: '5000'
+  version: '2.9'
+  firstspawnworld: NewWorld1
+  teleportcooldown: '1000'
+  defaultportalsearch: 'true'
+  portalsearchradius: '128'
+  autopurge: 'true'
+  idonotwanttodonate: 'false'


@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@

+  NewWorld1:
+    ==: MVWorld
+    hidden: 'false'
+    alias: ''
+    color: WHITE
+    style: NORMAL
+    pvp: 'true'
+    scale: '1.0'
+    respawnWorld: ''
+    allowWeather: 'true'
+    difficulty: HARD
+    spawning:
+      ==: MVSpawnSettings
+      animals:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+      monsters:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+    entryfee:
+      ==: MVEntryFee
+      amount: '0.0'
+    hunger: 'true'
+    autoHeal: 'true'
+    adjustSpawn: 'true'
+    portalForm: ALL
+    gameMode: SURVIVAL
+    keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
+    spawnLocation:
+      ==: MVSpawnLocation
+      x: -26.0
+      y: 63.0
+      z: 165.0
+      pitch: 0.0
+      yaw: 0.0
+    autoLoad: 'true'
+    bedRespawn: 'true'
+    worldBlacklist: []
+    environment: NORMAL
+    seed: '-2549039763105106918'
+    generator: 'null'
+    playerLimit: '-1'
+    allowFlight: 'true'
+  NewWorld1_nether:
+    ==: MVWorld
+    hidden: 'false'
+    alias: ''
+    color: WHITE
+    style: NORMAL
+    pvp: 'true'
+    scale: '8.0'
+    respawnWorld: ''
+    allowWeather: 'true'
+    difficulty: HARD
+    spawning:
+      ==: MVSpawnSettings
+      animals:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+      monsters:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+    entryfee:
+      ==: MVEntryFee
+      amount: '0.0'
+    hunger: 'true'
+    autoHeal: 'true'
+    adjustSpawn: 'true'
+    portalForm: ALL
+    gameMode: SURVIVAL
+    keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
+    spawnLocation:
+      ==: MVSpawnLocation
+      x: -3.0
+      y: 66.0
+      z: 3.0
+      pitch: 0.0
+      yaw: 0.0
+    autoLoad: 'true'
+    bedRespawn: 'true'
+    worldBlacklist: []
+    environment: NETHER
+    seed: '-2549039763105106918'
+    generator: 'null'
+    playerLimit: '-1'
+    allowFlight: 'true'
+  Summer_Vacation:
+    ==: MVWorld
+    hidden: 'false'
+    alias: ''
+    color: WHITE
+    style: NORMAL
+    pvp: 'false'
+    scale: '1.0'
+    respawnWorld: ''
+    allowWeather: 'true'
+    spawning:
+      ==: MVSpawnSettings
+      animals:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+      monsters:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+    entryfee:
+      ==: MVEntryFee
+      amount: '0.0'
+    hunger: 'true'
+    autoHeal: 'true'
+    adjustSpawn: 'true'
+    portalForm: ALL
+    gameMode: SURVIVAL
+    keepSpawnInMemory: 'false'
+    spawnLocation:
+      ==: MVNullLocation (It's a bug if you see this in your config file)
+    autoLoad: 'true'
+    bedRespawn: 'true'
+    worldBlacklist: []
+    environment: 'null'
+    seed: '0'
+    generator: 'null'
+    playerLimit: '-1'
+    allowFlight: 'true'
+  NewWorld1_the_end:
+    ==: MVWorld
+    hidden: 'false'
+    alias: ''
+    color: WHITE
+    style: NORMAL
+    pvp: 'true'
+    scale: '16.0'
+    respawnWorld: ''
+    allowWeather: 'true'
+    difficulty: HARD
+    spawning:
+      ==: MVSpawnSettings
+      animals:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+      monsters:
+        ==: MVSpawnSubSettings
+        spawn: 'true'
+        spawnrate: '-1'
+        exceptions: []
+    entryfee:
+      ==: MVEntryFee
+      amount: '0.0'
+    hunger: 'true'
+    autoHeal: 'true'
+    adjustSpawn: 'true'
+    portalForm: ALL
+    gameMode: SURVIVAL
+    keepSpawnInMemory: 'true'
+    spawnLocation:
+      ==: MVSpawnLocation
+      x: 1.0
+      y: 64.0
+      z: 0.0
+      pitch: 0.0
+      yaw: 0.0
+    autoLoad: 'true'
+    bedRespawn: 'true'
+    worldBlacklist: []
+    environment: THE_END
+    seed: '-2549039763105106918'
+    generator: 'null'
+    playerLimit: '-1'
+    allowFlight: 'true'