Revisions for ⁨config & database setting⁩

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public ⁨2⁩ ⁨files⁩ 2022-05-09 14:24:26 UTC


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+#Default Online Offline SemiOnline
+#Default mode will automatically detect the player's UUID(support GeyserMC)
+#Online mode is better for servers that enable online-mode(support Yggdrasil)
+#Offline mode does not support ignoring username case
+UUID-mode: SemiOnline
+  #Chinese ChineseTW English French Spanish Russian Turkish Japanese German Indonesia Portuguese
+  language: English
+  #Whether to check for new version
+  check-update: true
+  #TOP10 and the Server Total refresh time interval (Seconds)
+  refresh-time: 300
+  #If set to true, XConomy will register the following commands:
+    # - economy
+    # - eco
+    # - ebalancetop
+    # - ebaltop
+    # - eeconomy
+  #Please keep in mind that if Essentials is installed on your server
+  #XConomy will take over these commands.
+  eco-command: true
+  #XConomy will disable the economic function of Essentials.
+  #Just the economic function.
+  disable-essentials: true
+  #Initial balance
+  initial-bal: 300
+  #Tax to be paid for pay command (0.5 means 50%, 1 means 100%)
+  payment-tax: 0.05
+  #Ranking size (Max value 100)
+  ranking-size: 100
+  #Rows per page of list (Ranking and help menu)
+  lines-per-page: 10
+  #If you need to modify the data in the database directly, it is recommended to enable it
+  #Disabling caching will increase the pressure on the database
+  disable-cache: true
+  #Dose save transaction record
+  #Only MySQL is supported
+  transaction-record: true
+  #Record transaction information of pay command while player offline.
+  #The player will receive tips when they reconnect.
+  #Transaction-record function must be enabled.
+  offline-pay-transfer-tips: false
+  #Ignore the case of player names
+  username-ignore-case: true
+#It can solve the problem that some plugins need to create non-player accounts, such as Factions,Towny
+#Non-player account data is not synced with BC
+  #Whether to enable non-player accounts.
+  enable: false
+  #If the account name contains fields in the whitelist, it will be recognized as non-player accounts.
+  #Otherwise, it is recognized as a player account
+  #If the player's name contains fields in the whitelist, it will be denied access to the server.
+  whitelist:
+    #Whether to enable whitelist.
+    enable: false
+    fields-list:
+      - town-
+      - towny-
+      - nation-
+#The display of the currency
+  singular-name: $
+  plural-name: $
+  #Is the balance an integer
+  integer-bal: false
+  thousands-separator: ','
+  #%format_balance% indicate the balance after the format
+  display-format: '%balance%%currencyname%'
+  #Maximum amount (default is maximum)
+  max-number: '10000000000000000'
+  format-balance:
+    1000: k
+    1000000: m
+#BungeeCord settings
+  #Whether to enable BungeeCord synchronization
+  #After BungeeCord sync is turned on, the console and other plugins will not be able to modify the balance in the server without player
+  #Please Set bungeecord to true in the spigot.yml
+  enable: true
+  #Server ID, keep the ID and the MySQL settings is the same between the servers requiring synchronization
+  sign: server
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+  #SQLite MySQL
+  storage-type: MySQL
+  #Use connection pool or not
+  #Require 'slf4j' dependencies
+  usepool: true
+  #Whether to disable saving data asynchronously(SQLite no such setting)
+  disable-async: false
+#SQLite settings
+  #Address is the folder path
+  path: Default
+#MySQL settings
+  host:
+  port: 3306
+  user: root
+  pass: "123213asdsad"
+  database: money
+  #auto add "_", can use %sign% to indicate Server ID (BungeeCord settings)
+  table-suffix: ''
+  property:
+    usessl: false
+    encoding: utf8
+    timezone: ''
+    allowPublicKeyRetrieval: false
+#Connection pool settings
+  maximum-pool-size: 30
+  minimum-idle: 20
+  maximum-lifetime: 180000
+  idle-timeout: 60000
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