– What? You see something out there, Starv? – Brend asked impatiently, as his winged companion started to circle around the trainer, lowering the altitude.
– Sta! – she confirmed, quickly rising up again and starting to slowly pan up north. Eventually, she stopped at what seemed to be a lonely big tree among the snow-covered bushes. She made a few more lonely circles, making sure her companion could see her, and then finally landed on the big, spiky branch. The only branch this lifeless husk of a dead tree could boast about.
Brend ramped up his speed. He wasn’t particularly fond of the skis but it was the only viable method of navigating these snow-covered hills and mountains. Arceus blessed them today with clear skies and neither too cold, nor too warm weather, so it didn’t take long for the trainer to catch up to his flying friend.
Starvia was right, there was something up ahead, in the snow. At first, he couldn't make it out, the damn thing blurred into the white snow all too well, but this gave him a clue as to what to expect and, sure enough, a few more meters in and he could easily recognize an iconic white tail, spread wide open over the snow surface. Ninetails! Exactly what they were looking for.
Slowly dropping his speed, Brend began to approach the creature, trying to understand what happened. Huh, it appears to be stuck in the snow? How odd, he thought. It seems like the poor thing tried to catch a smaller critter, but miscalculated the strength of her jump and, instead of going straight down, into the snowpile, and landing on its back legs, the force tipped her over, putting her into a slightly angled position, where her back legs would be stuck in the air, so she couldn’t really pull herself over, nor she could easily crush the snow and weasel her way out, thanks to the frosty morning that strengthened the surface. It appears she hasn't got much room to lean onto something and use her front legs to their full extent to get out of the snow trap as well. A dead end.
Yes, a “her” indeed. It wasn’t particularly hard to identify that the Ninetails in question was a female one, thanks to the silly position she found herself in, putting all her private parts on the show.
– Good catch, Starv, we finally got something after two days of no luck!
The bird pokemon made a vague sound, as if mumbling something to itself, while getting more comfortable on the branch and ruffling up its feathers. Meanwhile, the human trainer carefully circled the unlucky Ninetails, trying to get closer to her from behind her back. There is no doubt their stuck friend has heard them already, even if she gave no indication to that. Looking over the scene once again, Brend concluded it has been no more than half an hour since the events unfolded. He carefully sat near the edge of her gorgeous tail that was barely bothered by the rare morning wind. Failing to resist the temptation, he gently raised the lush, snow-white fluff closer to his face and greedily inhaled. A faint, barely audible smell of fresh winter snow caressed his nostrils. He savored the pleasant aroma for a little while, before raising his face and remarking, as if continuing some unfinished discussion with his half-dozy winged friend:
– You know, my father used to tell me that not so long ago, just thirty or some more years earlier, they still had poachers around here, can you believe it? Hunting pokemon for their fur or tusks has already been outlawed, yet the lucrative black market kept pulling them in. If stories are to be believed, this beautiful Ninetails’ fur would go for twice above the gold on the said market! Imagine that.
As if realizing that the discussion was about her, the unlucky stuck pokemon began to trash the air with her hind legs, either in a desperate attempt to break free or to get a good hit on any potential danger nearby. Needless to say, these motions were in vain. Brend waited a few long minutes, giving her time to get it all out, and then quickly caught both of her hindlegs with his arms, locking them in place. Any other day with any other Ninetails this probably would be the end of the young trainer, but Brend quickly realized something he overlooked earlier: the “prey“ they caught was way smaller than the average adult of Alolan species. A fresh Vulpix evolution, perhaps, still young and silly to get into situations like these.
A handful of minutes passed and an overconfident young man began to worry that his arms would give in to the relentless fury of the Ninetails, but thankfully, her kicks began to slow down. A few more lazy attempts and she finally stopped, realizing that there was no imminent danger.
– Good girl, – he said approvingly, while carefully releasing her legs. His backpack started to become a nuisance, so he finally freed himself of it and threw it into the snow on the side. Loosening his jacket a little to ensure he has enough mobility he is comfortable with, Brend moved closer to Ninetails and continued his lonely dialogue:
– Now, you see, normally this would be handled differently: a trainer, his pokemon, and a fierce battle. Sadly, I don’t have a pokemon capable of fighting you. Truth to be told, I’m not that much of a typical pokemon trainer to begin with and I don’t have any fighters at all, – his Staravia, up to this moment peacefully snoozing on a branch she took fancy to, opened her left eye and gave the human a quick gnarly look, – therefore, we will have to resort to some other ways of… taming you.
As if solidifying the meaning of his words, Brend gently placed both of his gloves at the very base of her tail. He waited a few heartbeats, expecting for any kind of resistance to kick in, and when none followed, he delicately began to massage the exact spot where the tail would connect to the back of Ninetails’ body. The boy knew that this exact spot is a common point of accumulated tension for a wide majority of large quadrupedal pokemon, especially those that have big and relatively heavy tails. Relieving said tension would be the first step of getting his catch to drop its guard and put her into the state he would need to proceed further.
It took some time before Brend received any kind of reaction. Still at first, as if trying to understand what was happening to her and how to react to it, Ninetails slowly began to loosen up under his continuous tender rubbing of her tail. The stiffness of the body eventually withered down, her hindlegs relaxed and opened up a bit, as if trying to find something to rest on. The boy changed his pace and began to move his fingers further up, as far as the flesh of the tail went, and then back again, to the very base of it. He continued massaging for a few more minutes, just to ensure it was enough to get his victim to where he desired, before stopping motions completely – it was time to move to the next stage.
Brend adjusted his position to a more comfortable one. Now, both of his legs would circle around Ninetails’ body on the snow. He lifted and split her lush tail so it would go to the left and right sides of his torso, rather than in his face, and moved his own body forward just enough so that his inner thighs could grip pokemon’s body if such need arises. Using nothing but teeth, he quickly removed his gloves as they would be problematic for the next part of his act. Sharp needles of the morning cold immediately pierced the boy's fingers. Brend tolerated the numbish pain for a few long seconds before warily placing both of his palms on Ninetails belly. She flinched and tried to shake his hands off by wriggling the lower part of her body, but the boy was adamant. Warmth of her young body and a gentle softness of the underbelly’s fur was enough of an incentive to hold on. As far as his knowledge of ice types goes, they weren’t susceptible to natural cold in any meaningful capacity, so hopefully, she can keep his hands warm enough – he really would prefer them to be operable for the next hour or so.
It wouldn’t take long before his captive calmed down yet again. Brend decided to test the grounds and slowly moved both palms of his hands higher up her belly, into the nooks of her inner thighs. Her whole body twitched. An expected reaction, but way too much. He needed it to be ticklish, but ticklish just enough to keep Ninetails on the edge between pleasure and mind-drilling discomfort of the tingles. The boy spread his hands apart, closer to the creature’s flanks, and repeated the movement. Pokemon leg’s jerked in response, but this time her body was relatively still. Ah, this will do. Without stopping, he continued repetitive motion, from the inner thighs back to the tip of the belly, right above her pink flower. Back and forth, back and forth. Each time he went down Ninetails body would relax, each time he went up her body would tense up. Alternating his helpless victim between these sensations, Brend made sure that no long pauses took place.
A good chunk of an hour had passed before it became apparent that the reaction of his prey had toned down. Sharp at first, the sensations he subjected her to eventually began to blur in. Is it too soon? He lowered his eyes from her belly, further down. Blood rushed to his cheeks and a pleasant ache echoed through his crotch. So far he was avoiding concentrating on her lovehole too much, but now he needed to be sure. Brend placed both of his hands onto the sides of her crotch and gently stretched the skin outward. A lone wet blister sparkled between her still firmly shut pink lips. The boy instinctively swallowed. Not much to go on, but alas, his tired arms left him no choice either way, it is time to press onward. He moved his thumbs closer to the edges of her tender flower, stopping short of a centimeter away from the lips. A gentle shudder passed through the pokemon's body and Brend couldn’t hide his grin. Excruciatingly slowly, just with the tips of his thumbs, he began to stroke the outer edges of her lovehole, forming a naturally curved ellipsis around it, starting just a few millimeters above her clit and ending just below her other hole, right between the both. He barely reached the spot, as Ninetails' body began to writhe. This time, however, it was no longer a resistance, but a desire. Desire she both yearned for and was uncertain of. Trainer spread his elbows and tried to stabilize the body of a female pokemon in place, putting as much weight into his arms as it was possible in this position. Satisfied with the result, he immediately returned to the original routine that was so unceremoniously interrupted, ensuring that her attempts to shake off the human won’t violate the strict distance limits that he established beforehand with his thumbs. It was imperative to control the teasing, to portion it precisely. And although Ninetails’ convulsions never really stopped, eventually they evened out and became less frequent.
The first shy rays of the winter sun signaled that the gloomy morning was over. Brend couldn’t tell exactly how much time had passed since they found the unlucky female Ninetails, but it became apparent that freezing weather was growing colder. The victim’s body underneath him completely abandoned all kinds of resistance and became a soft mold he effortlessly could shape with his hands. Another good chunk of an hour passed and a faint poignant smell began to tingle his nostrils. Oh, so soon? The boy stopped his work midway and spread her soft lips with his thumbs once more. This time they have opened with ease, the deep pink flesh laid bare before him in anticipation, oozing with a glimmer of Ninetails’ inner nectar. A much stronger aroma hit the trainer's nose, sending his head into a light spin. Yes, she was ready. Brend rubbed his hands together furiously – even though the pokemon's body was in heat, both literally and figuratively, it wasn’t enough to offset the rising cold. He was just hoping he could finish what he started. Brend looked down at her flower again, awaiting in helpless impatience. Bracing himself, he carefully placed both of his thumbs on the outer lips of her slit, applying barely to no pressure at all. But even that was more than enough. Ninetails’ back arched upward, her thighs clamped around his forearms; her paws, clenching, began to rip the empty air just a few centimeters away from his bare neck. Failing to hide the same stupid grin on his face as before, Brend savored the moment for a while, before moving both of his fingers down along the edges of her lips, until he reached the clitoris. Pokemon’s body spasmed again. For a short second he gently massaged the spot he stopped at, and then slowly began to circle back, to the opposite side of her clenching hole. Little to no pause and then back again, to the clit. Ninetails’ body was going wild. He clearly could see she desperately tried to nudge her crotch towards him, as if in a silent desire to have more. To *have him* deeper. But he ignored her advances. The deliberation was painful. Just like before, the goal was to tease, but tease just enough, with a pleasure that would be *even*, that would never push her over the edge, that would keep making her ache for more. And he knew he succeeded when he began to hear faint cries from underneath the snow. Female pokemon no longer could bear it. She desperately wanted the pleasure to end, to rise and sweep her with the climax, but her captor wouldn’t allow it. With each minute passed, her world began to shrink. It turned into a tiny pea, that like a worm, buried deep into her mind, eating away all her thoughts and reason. She became a blank slate, a tiny dot, that would be filled with mind-bending pleasure to the brim, only to immediately get it washed away and then the cycle would repeat again. And again. And again. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t plead. She was a puppet of the worm and it kept feeding her the bottomless aching desire.
Much like his prey, Brend lost all sense of time. Pokemon’s strong odor and the cries of her body captivated him and sucked him into her realm. He couldn't recall when it happened but his member was stiff for a while. The whole process became too enjoyable to stay focused only on the task. It was fascinating to watch the frantic and seemingly random convulsions of her paws, the desperate spasms that would ripple through both of her holes. Her anus would expand every time he got close and then immediately clench the moment he reached her clit. All of his fingers were completely soaked in Ninetail’s juices and moved effortlessly over the lips of her lovehole. The latter eventually is what brought the boy back to his senses, as his hands began to completely freeze in a ramping up cold weather. Little by little it sucked away the sensitivity of his hands and it became hard to control the movements. He realized he needed to end this now or he would lose not just his catch, but his arms as well. Brend lowered his face as close to her soaked in desire flower, as he could without touching it. Inhaling chest full of air, he puckered his lips, forming a narrow passage. Hoping that this will be enough and that he wouldn’t need to resort to a more direct approach, he began to gently pour the warm air from his lungs deep inside her. No reaction. Did he assume incorrectly? He quickly followed up with another exhale, a much stronger one. Pokemon’s body suddenly became rigid, as if petrified, and her faint whimpers abruptly stopped. For a few agonizingly long heartbeats the world stood completely still.
Was it not enough?
And then the universe *exploded*. The initial wave of rushing orgasm jerked Ninetails’ body with such force that it sent the boy flying away down the snowbank. It was so strong that the hard snow under her back got completely crushed into dust, rendering the pokemon essentially free. He was finally able to see her face, emerging from beneath the snow, completely wet with tears. For a split second Bren’s heart dropped a cold stone into his stomach, as he expected her to immediately jump at him. It didn't take long to realize that the female pokemon was in no condition to even breathe properly, let alone jump. Trashing all the snow around her, the body of Ninetails kept convulsing as if she was constantly shocked. It became apparent the climax she experienced was so strong it refused to settle - the orgasm would come in waves, over and over again, arching her spine and throwing her head around. Her cries would reduce to barely audible whimpers, only to rise back up again in full force. Her mouth would blindly gnaw at the snow. Her claws would constantly rip and tear the air.
By the time Brend climbed his way back to her, she began to calm down. Staravia, spooked away from her peaceful snooze on the branch, now sat beside him on the snow. The boy looked down at the body of Ninetails, laying bare in the snow, heavily breathing. A rare jolt of aftermath would pierce her body from time to time, forcing her to twitch faintly. She was a mess, that’s for sure, but what a beautiful mess it was!
– Oh, – he finally said, as if realizing something, – I get it now, it was her first time. See, I was right about her age, she is a fresh evolution – he pointed at Ninetail’s face, seemingly trying to explain his mistake to the feathered partner nearby. The bird pokemon slightly tilted her head, feigning interest, but remained indifferent.
– Well, there is only one thing left – Brend reached deep into his backpack, which he picked up earlier. His hand returned with a pokeball in it. A simple flick of his finger powered it up. Warily, as if trying to not wake her up, he touched Ninetails body with the device. The immediate whooshing sound indicated a successful transfer. Both, the boy and the bird, turned their gaze towards the light indicator. It blinked with one lonely green light and then slowly faded away.
The catch was a resounding success.