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Garage Plugin

Garage Plugin: configuration and translations

public ⁨4⁩ ⁨files⁩ 2021-12-28 00:02:55 UTC


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <ServerName>Made by FPlugins</ServerName>
      <BlacklistedVehicle bypassPermission="bypass.police">
      <BlacklistedItem bypassPermission="bypass.maplestrike">
      <BlacklistedBarricade bypassPermission="bypass.locker">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:UnderWater" Value="The vehicle is under the water. Take it out of there before before saving it !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:Lock" Value="You must lock the vehicle before !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:Own" Value="You must be the owner of vehicle to save it !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:NotFound" Value="You are not looking at any vehicle !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:NoGarage" Value="You do not have a garage to save this car !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:NoSpace" Value="You do not have enough space in your garage to save this car !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:Successfully" Value="Successfully added {0} to your garage !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:VehicleBlacklist" Value="This vehicle is blacklisted ! You cant save it on your garage" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:BarricadeBlacklist" Value="The barricade {0} is blacklisted ! Take it out to save your car" />
  <Translation Id="GarageAddCommand:ItemBlacklist" Value="The item {0} is blacklisted ! Take it out to save your car" />
  <Translation Id="GarageRetrieveCommand:Successfully" Value="Successfully retrieved {0} from your garage !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageRetrieveCommand:NotFound" Value="No vehicle found on the garage with the name: {0} !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageCommand:Empty" Value="The garage is empty !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageCommand:List" Value="The garage contains these vehicles: {0} !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageDeleteCommand:NotFound" Value="No vehicle found on the garage with the name: {0} !" />
  <Translation Id="GarageDeleteCommand:Successfully" Value="Successfully deleted {0} from the garage !" />
  <Translation Id="AdminCommands:NotFound" Value="No player found with the id {0} !" />
  <Translation Id="AdminCommands:NeedsPermission" Value="To execute this admin command you require the permission: {0} !" />


database: # Only when mysql mode is enabled
  ConnectionStrings: # See for more info: https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server/
    default: "Server=; Database=openmod; Port=3306; User=root; Password=password" 

Garages: # This is a list with all the garages for playes give them the permission soo them have access to them
- GarageName: "Small"                     # They will use the one with more spaces they have
  GarageSize: 2
  GaragePermission: "small"
- GarageName: "medium"
  GarageSize: 3
  GaragePermission: "medium"
- GarageName: "big"
  GarageSize: 5
  GaragePermission: "big"

BlacklistedVehicles: # A list with the blacklisted vehicles to save
- Ids: # Here it goes the ids of the vehicles its a list so you can add all the ones you want
  - 76
  BypassPermission: "Bypass.Taxi"
- Ids:
  - 35
  - 36
  BypassPermission: "Bypass.van"

BlacklistedBarricades: # A list with the blacklisted barricades to save
- Ids: # Here it goes the ids of the barricades its a list so you can add all the ones you want
  - 328
  BypassPermission: "Bypass.Locker"
- Ids:
  - 45
  BypassPermission: "Bypass.Barricade"

BlacklistedTrunkItems:  # A list with the blacklisted items to save on the trunk
- Ids: # Here it goes the ids of the items its a list so you can add all the ones you want
  - 4
  BypassPermission: "Bypass.Eaglefire"
- Ids:
  - 518
  - 520
  BypassPermission: "Bypass.Launcher"
StorageType: "LiteDB" # Storage types: MySQL and LiteDB

SavingRestrictions: # Some usefull restrictions
      Enabled: false
      Amount: 0
      Enabled: false
      Amount: 0

  RequiresItems: false # Set to false to disable true to enable
  RequiredItems: # A list that contains some items that will be required to use the commands
  - 3213
  - 323
  - 32

  Enabled: false # Here you can enable or disable the ui mode
  PanelName: "Server Name here" # Sets the panel name on the top of the ui


  CorrectUsage: "Correct command usage: /gadd <vehicleName>"
  VehicleNotFound: "You are not looking at any vehicle"
  VehicleUnderWater: "The vehicle is underwater take it out of there to save it"
  VehicleDead: "The vehicle is dead"
  VehicleEmpty: "Tell the players inside the vehicle to go out"
  VehicleLock: "You must lock the vehicle before saving it"
  VehicleOwner: "You must be the vehicle owner to save it"
    Vehicle: "This vehicle is blacklisted from been saved to the garage"
    Item: "The vehicle contains a blacklisted item {Name}"
    Barricade: "The vehicle contains a blacklisted barricade {Name}"
    Items: "You exceeded the max ammount of items. The max ammount is {Amount}"
    Barricades: "You exceeded the max ammount of barricades. The max ammount is {Amount}"
    Items: "You exceeded the max ammount of the item: {Name}. The max ammount is {Amount}"
    Barricades: "You exceeded the max ammount of the barricade: {Name}. The max ammount is {Amount}"
  NoGarage: "You do not have a garage to save your cars"
  NoSpace: "You dont have more space in your garage"
  Success: "Successfully added your {Name} to your {Garage} garage"
  CorrectUsage: "Correct command usage: /gretrieve <vehicleName>"
  NotFound: "There is not any vehicle with that name in your garage"
  Success: "Successfully retrieved your {Name} from your garage"
  NoVehicles: "Your garage is empty"
  Vehicles: "Your vehicles are: {Names}"

  Items: "You need to have the following items in order to save your car:"