GarageAddCommand: CorrectUsage: "Correct command usage: /gadd " VehicleNotFound: "You are not looking at any vehicle" VehicleUnderWater: "The vehicle is underwater take it out of there to save it" VehicleDead: "The vehicle is dead" VehicleEmpty: "Tell the players inside the vehicle to go out" VehicleLock: "You must lock the vehicle before saving it" VehicleOwner: "You must be the vehicle owner to save it" Blacklist: Vehicle: "This vehicle is blacklisted from been saved to the garage" Item: "The vehicle contains a blacklisted item {Name}" Barricade: "The vehicle contains a blacklisted barricade {Name}" Restrictions: Items: "You exceeded the max ammount of items. The max ammount is {Amount}" Barricades: "You exceeded the max ammount of barricades. The max ammount is {Amount}" Limits: Items: "You exceeded the max ammount of the item: {Name}. The max ammount is {Amount}" Barricades: "You exceeded the max ammount of the barricade: {Name}. The max ammount is {Amount}" NoGarage: "You do not have a garage to save your cars" NoSpace: "You dont have more space in your garage" Success: "Successfully added your {Name} to your {Garage} garage" GarageRetrieveCommand: CorrectUsage: "Correct command usage: /gretrieve " NotFound: "There is not any vehicle with that name in your garage" Success: "Successfully retrieved your {Name} from your garage" GarageCommand: NoVehicles: "Your garage is empty" Vehicles: "Your vehicles are: {Names}" Requirements: Items: "You need to have the following items in order to save your car:"