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Steam 赛博贞操锁

修复 indexOf 问题

unlisted ⁨3⁩ ⁨files⁩ 2024-03-26 16:46:19 UTC


var accessToken = JSON.parse(gameslist_config.dataset.profileGameslist).webapi_token;
var anticheatAppids = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 240, 300, 320, 360, 440, 500, 550, 570, 730, 1200, 1250, 2100, 2200, 2210, 2350, 2400, 2620, 2630, 2640, 3970, 4000, 4920, 6510, 7940, 7950, 9010, 9050, 9070, 9460, 10000, 10010, 10030, 10050, 10090, 10170, 10180, 11610, 13140, 13180, 13520, 13540, 15120, 17300, 17330, 17340, 17430, 17500, 17520, 17570, 17700, 17710, 18110, 19900, 21090, 21110, 21120, 21970, 24840, 24860, 24960, 29520, 32690, 32700, 32770, 33930, 35450, 35450, 39000, 42160, 42160, 42700, 44350, 45500, 47790, 47830, 48190, 49400, 55100, 55110, 58610, 61700, 61730, 63000, 63200, 63500, 63950, 65800, 70000, 72300, 90800, 91310, 102700, 102700, 104900, 107410, 109400, 200110, 201070, 201870, 202090, 202970, 202990, 203290, 203300, 204080, 204300, 208090, 208480, 209160, 209170, 209610, 209650, 209870, 211880, 212160, 212180, 212180, 212200, 212220, 212240, 212370, 212390, 212390, 212410, 212480, 212542, 212630, 214360, 214630, 215100, 215470, 216150, 216250, 218230, 218470, 219640, 221040, 221080, 221100, 221100, 222480, 222880, 222880, 223650, 223710, 224260, 224320, 225840, 226700, 227100, 227940, 231060, 232090, 234530, 236390, 236830, 237310, 238110, 238690, 239140, 239660, 243800, 244630, 247730, 251570, 252490, 252490, 253490, 253490, 255220, 258550, 260430, 266410, 267790, 269210, 273110, 273350, 274940, 280620, 282660, 282800, 286940, 290340, 290790, 291550, 292730, 293220, 295110, 295950, 296300, 299360, 299360, 299740, 299740, 300970, 301520, 304030, 304390, 304930, 304930, 307950, 310560, 311210, 314430, 315210, 315640, 317110, 321260, 322780, 324810, 324830, 324830, 324850, 324850, 325600, 327090, 327690, 331370, 331810, 333930, 337410, 339610, 344760, 346110, 346110, 346330, 347130, 349360, 349720, 350280, 350700, 354290, 355840, 356330, 357500, 359550, 360760, 360940, 361800, 362300, 363680, 369200, 369200, 369520, 371310, 372000, 372000, 375230, 376030, 376210, 377140, 377610, 378860, 380330, 380350, 381210, 381690, 381990, 383120, 384030, 386360, 389300, 389430, 390090, 390100, 393380, 393380, 393420, 394510, 394690, 405100, 407530, 407660, 410560, 418460, 418480, 419520, 421020, 421650, 433350, 433350, 433850, 436520, 436520, 437220, 438100, 438740, 439350, 439700, 440090, 440900, 442080, 444090, 445220, 445400, 447040, 447820, 451130, 454650, 454910, 459430, 459430, 459510, 460930, 466240, 468220, 471710, 473690, 476600, 476620, 481890, 495910, 499470, 505460, 513650, 513710, 516080, 516080, 518150, 518660, 519190, 520530, 524930, 530700, 536950, 537180, 539650, 541790, 542590, 544920, 547860, 548290, 550650, 550650, 550790, 552500, 553850, 555160, 555440, 555570, 556440, 558230, 559650, 560380, 568660, 568810, 573100, 578080, 579850, 581320, 582660, 582660, 584210, 585030, 591530, 591530, 594650, 594770, 596350, 610940, 611020, 611360, 619080, 622170, 622590, 623990, 624910, 625340, 626690, 629760, 633230, 640100, 641080, 644290, 646910, 647590, 651150, 653120, 654310, 655740, 656240, 658510, 662320, 667950, 671860, 674690, 675560, 677620, 678950, 681660, 681660, 686810, 689410, 690790, 696260, 696790, 700330, 700580, 706220, 707010, 707010, 709310, 714080, 714210, 715220, 715400, 719690, 719890, 721030, 731620, 736220, 737010, 737230, 737770, 738090, 738530, 743300, 746200, 747610, 747920, 747970, 751240, 752720, 753650, 754420, 755790, 759510, 760160, 760760, 761890, 761890, 763420, 764190, 764920, 764940, 766370, 768350, 770720, 774941, 783770, 790650, 798510, 802240, 803370, 804810, 805110, 813000, 813820, 815940, 816020, 819500, 819970, 820520, 822500, 823130, 834910, 835860, 836620, 838330, 840800, 844630, 844650, 845220, 845260, 858460, 867400, 868270, 871120, 872200, 874240, 876460, 878760, 880850, 882430, 884660, 886250, 889750, 890400, 895400, 895970, 895970, 903950, 905640, 906930, 909750, 911460, 912290, 915810, 918570, 920690, 920720, 921940, 921940, 922620, 923330, 924720, 924970, 927130, 927350, 931180, 939510, 942810, 949690, 950180, 950520, 955100, 960170, 961200, 964440, 972310, 973580, 975570, 976730, 987350, 991560, 993870, 994440, 994560, 996600, 1004390, 1006030, 1008080, 1008580, 1009290, 1010270, 1011810, 1011810, 1024020, 1024890, 1029690, 1049590, 1049800, 1054690, 1056640, 1056640, 1057240, 1058650, 1063730, 1064280, 1064780, 1067170, 1075340, 1083500, 1085660, 1085780, 1093170, 1094710, 1097150, 1097840, 1106750, 1121710, 1130700, 1132210, 1132210, 1133060, 1133430, 1143930, 1147660, 1150000, 1153700, 1163550, 1170950, 1171690, 1172470, 1172620, 1172630, 1175210, 1175730, 1176940, 1180380, 1183940, 1184140, 1185560, 1186040, 1189800, 1189980, 1194260, 1194810, 1205550, 1206370, 1218740, 1218740, 1222730, 1226470, 1226470, 1226470, 1227800, 1232420, 1233550, 1238820, 1238860, 1238880, 1240290, 1240410, 1240440, 1241100, 1245620, 1254120, 1258320, 1262240, 1263550, 1263550, 1265940, 1268750, 1270350, 1271810, 1276760, 1281720, 1282270, 1286320, 1287290, 1292630, 1293660, 1294660, 1297110, 1301210, 1318350, 1326050, 1332530, 1338610, 1342630, 1361210, 1364020, 1367080, 1368990, 1371580, 1372110, 1372880, 1377380, 1377580, 1379750, 1382120, 1399780, 1408680, 1412620, 1418630, 1419640, 1426320, 1426440, 1433140, 1435990, 1436900, 1442910, 1443350, 1461600, 1469120, 1472900, 1473480, 1473640, 1477590, 1477610, 1478540, 1487410, 1493750, 1501750, 1504620, 1504860, 1517290, 1520470, 1524240, 1524370, 1527890, 1530870, 1531430, 1532550, 1549180, 1549250, 1556200, 1563940, 1566880, 1568590, 1574360, 1575680, 1581460, 1582170, 1585520, 1599340, 1600360, 1607250, 1608220, 1611740, 1619990, 1622200, 1630280, 1635450, 1638720, 1639880, 1641290, 1650010, 1655340, 1657090, 1658740, 1661320, 1666300, 1668940, 1671200, 1672740, 1674340, 1674340, 1674340, 1674470, 1676000, 1681770, 1687760, 1688720, 1689070, 1692070, 1692190, 1692200, 1695900, 1711430, 1724660, 1725420, 1765520, 1769930, 1780330, 1781970, 1785150, 1789480, 1793660, 1804190, 1811260, 1815230, 1816670, 1818750, 1824220, 1825750, 1826330, 1826980, 1827180, 1829180, 1829770, 1840560, 1843080, 1847000, 1863390, 1867420, 1872760, 1874390, 1874880, 1875460, 1881610, 1881700, 1888160, 1888340, 1890860, 1903270, 1904230, 1908720, 1913210, 1913730, 1922560, 1928420, 1930870, 1934780, 1934780, 1934850, 1938090, 1940810, 1940990, 1948950, 1952710, 1956740, 1957780, 1958370, 1961460, 1963590, 1969870, 1979310, 1990390, 1991140, 1993280, 2000270, 2000590, 2009240, 2011600, 2016940, 2021400, 2023760, 2051120, 2053090, 2064870, 2069210, 2073850, 2074930, 2075730, 2076040, 2081110, 2083800, 2087030, 2088180, 2089760, 2090780, 2101000, 2107670, 2107680, 2119490, 2119720, 2125710, 2140330, 2152790, 2156210, 2167580, 2170050, 2170420, 2178420, 2195250, 2208510, 2208530, 2220430, 2221490, 2222330, 2229260, 2231910, 2236250, 2240860, 2258030, 2258870, 2259670, 2275170, 2285150, 2287610, 2290180, 2291900, 2295890, 2313860, 2321720, 2324560, 2325320, 2337480, 2338060, 2340400, 2356310, 2356310, 2358330, 2361570, 2371630, 2377950, 2383590, 2396970, 2399830, 2426960, 2427520, 2429660, 2430450, 2430930, 2434630, 2437010, 2457550, 2464790, 2541620, 2542690, 2549560, 2552340, 2572270, 2581010, 2585120, 2595550, 2611730, 2633570, 2639000, 2654250, 2690190, 2696470, 2699000, 2700330, 2710780, 2713510, 2719160, 2720700, 2781480, 2790800, 2790880, 2818760, 2842160, 2842380, 2855320];
var tmpAppids = [];
var ownedAppids = [];
for (let game of JSON.parse(gameslist_config.dataset.profileGameslist).rgGames) {
for (let appid of anticheatAppids) {
	if (ownedAppids.indexOf(appid) > -1) {
anticheatAppids = tmpAppids;
tmpAppids = [];
var privatedAppids = (await $J.get(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAccountPrivateAppsService/GetPrivateAppList/v1?access_token=${accessToken}`)).response.private_apps.appids || [];
for (let appid of anticheatAppids) {
	if (privatedAppids.indexOf(appid) < 0) {
anticheatAppids = tmpAppids;
tmpAppids = [];

let failedAppids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < anticheatAppids.length; i++) {
	postString = `private=true&appids[0]=${anticheatAppids[i]}`;
	try {
		await $J.post(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAccountPrivateAppsService/ToggleAppPrivacy/v1/?access_token=${accessToken}`, postString);
		console.log(`${anticheatAppids[i]} 成功!`);
	} catch (error) {
		console.log(`${anticheatAppids[i]} 失败!`);
console.log('失败的 appids 如下:');


var accessToken = JSON.parse(gameslist_config.dataset.profileGameslist).webapi_token;
var privatedAppids = (await $J.get(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAccountPrivateAppsService/GetPrivateAppList/v1?access_token=${accessToken}`)).response.private_apps.appids;
let failedAppids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < privatedAppids.length; i++) {
	postString = `private=false&appids[0]=${privatedAppids[i]}`;
	try {
		await $J.post(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAccountPrivateAppsService/ToggleAppPrivacy/v1/?access_token=${accessToken}`, postString);
		console.log(`${privatedAppids[i]} 成功!`);
	} catch (error) {
		console.log(`${privatedAppids[i]} 失败!`);
console.log('失败的 appids 如下:');

游戏列表 - VAC.js

// 替换一键上锁的列表即可
var anticheatAppids  = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 240, 300, 320, 360, 440, 500, 550, 570, 730, 1200, 1250, 2100, 2400, 4000, 4920, 6510, 10180, 17500, 17520, 17570, 17700, 17710, 18110, 21970, 35450, 39000, 42160, 42700, 44350, 45500, 49400, 55100, 55110, 58610, 61700, 61730, 63000, 63200, 63500, 63950, 65800, 70000, 72300, 90800, 91310, 104900, 200110, 201070, 202970, 202990, 204080, 204300, 208090, 209160, 209170, 209610, 209650, 212410, 212480, 214360, 214630, 215470, 216250, 219640, 221040, 221100, 222480, 222880, 223710, 224260, 225840, 227100, 232090, 239140, 243800, 244630, 247730, 252490, 255220, 260430, 273350, 274940, 282800, 290340, 290790, 292730, 296300, 299360, 299740, 304930, 310560, 311210, 321260, 324810, 324830, 324850, 325600, 327090, 346110, 346330, 360940, 363680, 372000, 376210, 380330, 380350, 393380, 394510, 394690, 421020, 436520, 440090, 445220, 451130, 476600, 476620, 505460, 559650, 629760, 655740, 690790, 696790, 700330, 707010, 1418630, 1847000, 1908720, 2690190, 2842160]